New study finds proposed EPA regulations could raise energy prices as much as 18 percent
New Orleans, LA – U.S. Senator David Vitter (R-La.) joined the 60 Plus Association today to unveil a new report, “Energy Bills Strain Louisiana’s Seniors’ Budgets,” which finds proposed EPA regulations would disproportionately impact Louisiana’s senior population. These regulations could raise electricity prices by as much as 18 percent, a detrimental increase as nearly half of the state’s seniors have an annual gross income of less than $30,000.
“We were honored to be joined by Sen. Vitter today in Louisiana. He has been a true champion in fighting against harmful EPA regulations on behalf of seniors,” said Amy Noone Frederick, President of the 60 Plus Association. “As the comment period deadline rapidly approaches, it is critical that we stop the EPA from implementing the so-called Clean Power rule. It does little to aid the environment, but would have a huge impact on Louisiana’s seniors.”
“As proposed, the rule would result in higher electricity bills, a decrease in Louisianians disposable income, and job losses throughout the economy all for no tangible impact on the global climate. The higher electricity prices will especially hurt seniors who may already struggle to pay utility bills. The EPA’s rule is all pain for no gain,” said Senator David Vitter, the top Republican on the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Key Findings From Report:
- Proposed EPA regulations could raise electric prices in Louisiana by 13-18 percent.
- Louisiana has 377,000 households aged 65 or older, comprising 22 percent of the state’s 1.7 million households. Nearly one-half of Louisiana’s seniors had gross annual incomes below $30,000 in 2012, with an average pre-tax household income of $16,211. That amounts to $1,351 per month.
- For Louisiana’s seniors, electricity represents 73 percent of total residential utility bills.
Read the full study here
Read a one page summary here-30-