Oct. 3, 2010, Tennessee Voices
By Jim Martin
Published on October 2, 2010
This is a historic election. Washington rammed the stimulus package, ObamaCare, financial reform and a half a trillion-dollar cut to Medicare down our throats, and now, it is time for us to give it back to them.
Through my role as Chairman of the 60 Plus Association, I have seen firsthand how our members have been yelling at Congress to stop this reckless decision making, but liberal politicians have failed to listen.
Seniors are enraged about ObamaCare’s severe cuts to Medicare.
To compensate for the legislation’s inability to reduce the price of care, Washington tried to maintain some semblance of cost-effectiveness by slashing $500 billion from Medicare, degrading health-care services for 8.5 million seniors.
Democrats tried to market this legislation as a “cost saver,” but seniors have heard those lines recited before. When Medicare Part A passed, government estimated the program would cost $9 billion annually by 1990. They were wrong. By the end of the 1980s, Medicare Part A spending ballooned to $67 billion — over seven times the original estimate. And this was not an isolated incident.
If not cost savings, Washington promised better quality, but I ask you: Is no service quality care? Already, some reports estimate over 40 percent of doctors will stop accepting Medicare. And in some states, major pharmacies have already refused new Medicaid prescriptions because of low reimbursement rates. This is not quality. This is not even rationing. This is the complete elimination of care.
Clearly, this legislation was not about improving quality or cutting health costs. Instead, it was about expanding the reach of government. Many Tennessee seniors are saying we are concerned, we pay attention and we vote. America’s Greatest Generation is ready to end liberals’ destructive reign in the U.S. Congress, and as such, Democrats better be ready for a senior citizen tsunami to hit this November.
Jim Martin is chairman of the 60 Plus Association, an 18-year-old nonpartisan organization working for death tax repeal, saving Social Security, affordable prescription drugs, lowering energy costs and other issues as well as a strict adherence to the Constitution.
Read article here: http://blogs.tennessean.com/opinion/2010/10/02/senior-citizens-will-wage-war-against-democratic-spending-in-november/