Jim Martin: “Time has now come to pass this bi-partisan legislation through both chambers.”
(Alexandria, VA) – The 60 Plus Association, a national non-partisan senior citizens group with over 7.2 million senior supporters, today marked the year anniversary of the U.S. Senate passage of the Marketplace Fairness Act, (MFA) and called on the House of Representatives to follow suit. 60 Plus further praised Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), who is leading the charge to pass the MFA in the House.
Said 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, “Central to the creation of a growing, thriving economy that provides opportunity for all is a fair and unbiased tax system, that treats all equally without government favoring one form of commerce over another. One year ago a major step in the right direction was taken when the U.S. Senate passed the Marketplace Fairness Act, which, if law, would remedy the unequal treatment of businesses and consumers who transact through traditional brick and mortar stores.
“We have seen all too clearly how the inequitable application of tax laws on American consumers and businesses leads to distortions and corruptions in the marketplace, with inequitable results that assist one form of business at the expense of another. The MFA puts power back in the hands of the state governments to levy taxes and set budget priorities, which reinforces the principles of Federalism and strengthens the autonomy of each actor in the stream of commerce to make choices based on true free-market realities.
“Seniors especially are vulnerable to market manipulations, as older Americans are much more settled with regard to shopping preferences. America’s elderly are unduly punished by sticking with their trusted methods of purchasing items for themselves and their families, subsidizing the purchases of others which are not taxed at the point of sale. Regardless of who is benefiting, it is wrong for one group of consumers to subsidize the purchases of others.
“The MFA has broad bi-partisan support. It is time it came to a vote in the House. Seniors applaud Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah for his efforts in working to make true marketplace fairness a reality for all. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait another year for this vital piece of legislation to become a reality.”