Seniors Group Hits Back Against Anti-Energy EPA Regulations

(Atlanta, Georgia) – The non-partisan 60 Plus Association, representing more than 7.2 million seniors nationwide, today hit back against a draconian Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory proposal intended to fulfill President Obama’s promise to make the cost of electricity “necessarily skyrocket,” hurting the poor and seniors on fixed-incomes.

Appearing at a public rally against the EPA proposal and submitting testimony to the EPA hearing was 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin, who has long called on the EPA to balance its mission of protecting the nation’s environment with sound and reasonable energy policies that reflect the economic realities of ordinary Americans, stated :

“President Obama’s War on Coal is an unmitigated War on seniors. If implemented, the EPA’s radical regulations – aimed at shutting down coal fired power plants, the cheapest and most reliable source of electricity – will ‘necessarily skyrocket’ (as Candidate Obama once said) the cost of electricity and the power bills of senior citizens. To the elderly, especially those on fixed incomes, such an increase would be a financial and personal disaster for them. Coal provides the reliable and affordable electricity America needs. America’s economy runs on coal, senior’s lives literally depend on coal.”

Martin expounded on these comments and how the EPA agenda will hurt older Americans in a commentary published by, which can be read here.
