(Alexandria, Virginia) – 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin, responded to the Board of Trustees for the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds annual report which was released earlier today.
In a statement released by 60 Plus, Martin said,
“The bottom line of the new report is clear: The health and safety of our seniors require immediate action by Congress. As the 60 Plus Association has advocated for years it is time to put aside liberal Medi-scare tactics and concentrate on meaningful Social Security and Medicare reform.”
Martin went on to say, “I applaud House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) for his accurate assessment that ‘the programs millions of Americans rely on for health care and retirement security are barreling down the path toward insolvency.’ Unfortunately, we have been on a glide path to insolvency for a long time now.
“It is past time to end the finger pointing and election year rhetoric and avert the crisis ahead.”
Founded in 1992, the 60 Plus Association is a non-partisan seniors advocacy group with a free enterprise, less government, less taxes approach to seniors issues.