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Obama Speech Can’t Drown Out Seniors’ Voices
President Obama gave yet another address this week on health care reform legislation, this time in a televised speech to the entire nation. Unfortunately, it is clear he still does not understand that the American people – and seniors especially – do NOT want a government takeover of health care that is funded in large part by $500 billion in cuts to Medicare.
60 Plus has been on a mission to keep you informed and get the facts out about the Obama plan, to STOP Washington’s handout of a free lunch to millions that will leave seniors holding the tab. We and our members have been on the front lines, in town halls, in letters to the editor, and in the op-ed pages making the case: this plan does not add up and will hurt seniors!
Click here to watch our TV commercial, a central part of 60 Plus’ $2 million campaign to get the truth out about health care reform! Click here to contribute to keep it on the air!
Obama says he can add tens of millions of new people to health care coverage, while cutting more than $500 billion from Medicare, all the while leaving all benefits intact, and not adding “one dime” to the deficit.
Excuse me? I’m no math major, but this simply defies common sense and insults the intelligence of seniors who are extremely concerned this plan will lead to rationing, reduced services, longer waits for treatment and an overall reduction in the quality of care they receive.
- If we’re adding 30 million new people, and it is deficit neutral, then clearly something MUST be cut – so what will that be?
- If the $500 billion in Medicare cuts won’t affect benefits because it will be paid for with greater efficiency and eliminating waste, then what are we waiting for – why not eliminate waste NOW and save Medicare?
- How can we improve health care without adding one single doctor or nurse to the program, all the while achieving “savings” by reducing payments to doctors?
Of course, this plan does NOT add up, and you don’t have to take my word for it. The Congressional Budget Office (the Director was appointed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the President’s chief ally) has stated the plans currently working their way through Congress would add significantly to the federal deficit even with $500 billion in cuts to Medicare, putting pressure on Washington to make further cuts to existing programs, raise taxes, or both.
Even the New York Times acknowledged that the Obama plan is a gamble, based on an “assumption” that government can suddenly become efficient:
And if anyone out there is in a “trusting mood” toward the government to achieve improvements in health care through sound fiscal management, let me throw a little cold water on you.
The Obama Administration just announced their deficit projections for the next 10 years were only off target by ONLY $2 Trillion dollars – that’s right, Trillion with a “T” — a miscalculation error of 22%. And these are the same folks asking to us to trust them to save Medicare?
Ironically, the same lobbyists and policy wonks who now support the Obama plan are the same bunch who attacked on Sen. John McCain in the 2008 campaign for proposing cuts to Medicare. Their position back then sounds an awful lot like the position of 60 Plus now, that cutting resources to Medicare will lead to cuts in benefits and services for our seniors.
The bottom line: Seniors have heard enough, they don’t trust the current Washington bunch in charge to protect them and strengthen health care for older Americans. Numerous polls show seniors opposing Obama’s proposals by more than two to one, and for good reason.
Congress is being flooded by calls and letters from informed Americans saying “don’t you dare reform health care on the backs of our seniors,” which most assuredly would be the case if any of the current proposals were to pass.
But we are not out of the woods yet. Despite plummeting poll numbers on his handling of health care, President Obama is digging in his heels, determined to push through a massive government takeover of health care, whatever the political cost.
The next few weeks will be critical for the future of seniors and all Americans on whether we truly improve and reform health care, or just give control to the government. Stay with 60 Plus for more updates and alerts so that YOU can stay informed and make your voice heard in this critical, life and death debate!
So far we’ve won the battle to stem the tide of this disastrous health care legislation, but the war is far from over.
Where is AARP? Helping Obama Dismantle Medicare!
One would think that the largest “seniors” organizations in the nation would be up in arms over the proposed cuts in Medicare, as well as health reform legislation that nearly guarantees to force seniors into rationed care, reduced services, longer waits for care and will further cut funds for medical research that will impact older Americans.
Amazingly the AARP, representing over 30 million seniors, is actually cheerleading Washington’s health care proposals, even sending a “thank you” to the bill’s primary author, Congressman Henry Waxman (D-CA)!
We couldn’t disagree more with AARP’s position, and have taken them to task in an Op-ed that dismantles their folly point by point.
In an on-line debate with 60 Plus, AARP representative John Rothman stated that since seniors use the bulk of health care services in America, they have the most to gain from reform. But this is exactly backward; spreading limited resources to an increased pool of recipients means seniors have the most to lose. It is simple common sense.
The backlash against AARP has been swift and sharp. Thousands every week are tearing up their AARP membership cards and many are joining ranks with 60 Plus.
If you are unhappy with the way that AARP has abandoned YOUR best interests in order to curry favor with the liberal elites in Washington, we encourage you to join 60 Plus, a true independent group that is NOT dependent on millions in government grants (your tax dollars), and will actually FIGHT for our seniors.
There is strength in numbers, join 60 Plus today and join the fight to protect America’s seniors!
The Right Way to Health Care Reform, for Seniors and All Americans
Polls show the vast majority of Americans want some kind of health care reform, recognizing there are many improvements we can make today that don’t require a complete overhaul of the medical system or a government takeover.
To achieve these improvements will take real commitment to bi-partisan input, which is the only way to fashion something that has the support of the American people.
Barack Obama promised this very approach as a candidate for President, saying he would sit down at the table with all parties and work out a solution that has the consensus of a vast array of experts and interested parties. Unfortunately, as 60 Plus notes in a press release, this is exactly what President Obama has failed to do.
No party has a monopoly on good ideas, but Republican lawmakers have been completely excluded from offering ideas or input into the debate. While Obama and the Democrats criticize Republicans for having “no ideas or solutions” on health care, the reality is that GOP lawmakers have offered at least 35 separate health care proposals, and over 800 amendments to the current debate.
Democrats, however, have decided it is their way or the highway, having failed to even meet with their colleagues on the other side of the aisle since April.
60 Plus is a non-partisan organization committed to supporting the ideas that are best for America and its seniors, regardless of who proposes them or who gets credit. But the current climate in Washington toward health care reform via one-party rule is simply unacceptable.
This is a terrible shame that is only hurting Americans from all walks of life. Innovative ideas abound, such as this extremely successful program instituted by the CEO of the “Whole Foods” company that outlines 8 easy reforms for health care that actually helped his company improve the health of its employees, all at a reduced cost.
The spirit of America lies in innovation, competition, and a free market of ideas. It’s time Washington embraced this approach so that Americans truly get the very best care available, and have faith that it is in their best interests – not the interests of the unions or trial attorneys – that Washington is looking out for.
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