January 13, 2020
Washington, DC
Dear President Trump,
On behalf of the conservative movement, we would like to thank you for the accomplishments your administration has achieved on behalf of the American people.
From a booming economy, to stronger protections at the border, to implementing strong protections for the unborn, to nominating constitutionalist judges to the federal bench, you have kept your promises to the voters that elected you.
Specifically, we want to applaud you for the following achievements:
- A booming economy that has unemployment at its lowest level in fifty years, the highest median household income on record, a labor force that has grown by 2.1 million.
- Poverty rates for African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans at record lows, and unemployment among women is at its lowest level in nearly 70 years.
- Aggressively working to address the opioid crisis.
- Signing the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 which resulted in more than 6 million American works receiving wage increases, bonuses, and increased benefits.
- Rolling back nearly 8 regulations for every significant new one and cutting regulatory costs by more than $50 billion.
- Repealing two particularly onerous regulations: the Obama-era Waters of the U.S. rule, and the Obama-era “Clean Power” Plan, and revoking California’s emissions waiver, all of which cost Americans millions of dollars and thousands of jobs.
- Withdrawing America from the Paris climate treaty, which saved American families $20,000 a year.
- Opening up federal lands and offshore areas to fossil fuel development and permitting the pipelines and infrastructure necessary to facilitate further development.
- Signing the 2019 Executive Order to stop agency abuse of guidance documents.
- Working to re-negotiate the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement to update the North American Free Trade Agreement and secure a better deal for American workers.
- Keeping your campaign promise to build a new wall at the southern border.
- Striking agreements with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to help stop our illegal immigration crisis.
- Taking action to reduce exploitation of our asylum loopholes, ensuring that the asylum process is there for those who truly need it.
- Increasing cooperation with local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws.
- Signing the Choice and Accountability Act to update and reform the Veteran’s Administration.
- Ensuring strong protections of the Second Amendment.
- A defeated ISIS caliphate and killing of terrorist leaders al-Baghdadi and Qassem Soleimani, both of whom were responsible for the deaths of Americans.
- Recognizing Israel’s capital as Jerusalem and opening an American Embassy there, as well as recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
- Withdrawing the United States from the ineffective and dangerous 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
- Rebuilding America’s military, including instituting a Space Force, and supporting America’s men and women in uniform.
- Appointing and securing confirmation for 187 federal judges who are strong constitutionalists.
- Signing the 2017 Executive Order on Protecting Religious Liberty and the 2019 Executive Order protecting free speech on college campuses.
- Ensuring that faith-based ministries do not have to choose between violating their religious beliefs by complying with Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate, or closing their doors.
- Establishing a new Conscience and Religious Freedom division at the Department of Health and Human Services to direct the agency’s efforts to protect religious freedom and people of faith in the healthcare industry.
- Proposing a rule protecting the conscience rights of faith-based adoption providers.
- Being the first administration to host a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom.
- Reinstating the Mexico City Policy to end federal funding of groups that promote or perform abortion overseas.
- Restricting Title X money from going to organizations that perform, promote, or refer for abortion, while continuing to promote women’s health care by funding organizations who do not.
- Allowing state Medicaid directors to exclude abortion providers from their Medicaid programs.
- Ending funding of new medical research using human fetal tissue obtained from elective abortions.
- Re-issuing guidance stating that hospitals may be required to treat infants born alive after abortions.
- Opposing efforts at the United Nations to make abortion an international human right.
- Hiring strong conservatives for important positions within the White House.
- Hiring strong conservatives for important positions within the White House.
We are proud to support the work of your administration and these tremendous achievements.
The Honorable Edwin Meese III Attorney General President Ronald Reagan (1985-1988) |
Alfred S. Regnery Chairman, Conservative Action Project Chairman, Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund |
William L. Walton President Council for National Policy |
Penny Y. Nance President & CEO Concerned Women for America |
Jenny Beth Martin Chairman Tea Party Patriots Citizen Fund |
The Honorable Bob McEwen U.S. House of Representatives Former Member, Ohio |
Cleta Mitchell, Esq. Partner Foley & Lardner LLP |
Myron Ebell Director, Center for Energy and Environment Competitive Enterprise Institute |
The Honorable Matt Schlapp Chairman American Conservative Union (ACU) |
Christopher Malagisi Executive Director of Outreach Hillsdale College |
The Honorable Colin A. Hanna President Let Freedom Ring, Inc. |
Mary Vought Executive Director Senate Conservatives Fund |
Noah Wall Vice President of Advocacy FreedomWorks |
The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr. Chief Domestic Advisor President Ronald Reagan (1987-1988) |
Tom McClusky President March for Life Action |
Marjorie Dannenfelser President Susan B. Anthony List |
The Honorable Jim DeMint Chairman, Conservative Partnership Institute Member, US Senate (SC 2005-2013) |
Ed Corrigan Vice Chairman, Conservative Action Project Executive Director, Conservative Partnership Institute |
The Honorable Becky Norton Dunlop White House Advisor President Ronald Reagan (1981-1985) |
Rachel Bovard Senior Director of Policy Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI) |
Adam Brandon President FreedomWorks |
Ginni Thomas President Liberty Consulting, Inc. |
Kelly J. Shackelford, Esq. Chairman, CNP Action, Inc. President and CEO, First Liberty Institute |
The Honorable Donald Paul Hodel U.S. Secretary of Energy (1982-1985) U.S. Secretary of Interior (1985-1989) |
The Honorable David McIntosh U.S. House of Representatives Former Member, Indiana |
Scott T. Parkinson Executive Director Republican Study Committee (2016-2018) |
The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell Chairman Constitutional Congress, Inc. |
Lt. Gen. William G. Boykin (Ret.) Executive Vice President Family Research Council |
Lisa B. Nelson | The Honorable Tony Perkins President Family Research Council |
Jessica Anderson Vice President Heritage Action for America |
David Bozell President ForAmerica |
The Honorable Morton C. Blackwell President The Leadership Institute |
The Honorable Scott Walker President-elect Young America’s Foundation |
Richard Norman Founder and President The Richard Norman Company |
Brent Bozell Founder and President Media Research Center |
Joseph R. Gregory President & CEO Gregory Management Co. |
James C. Dobson Ph.D. Founder & President Dr. James Dobson Family Institute |
The Honorable Gary L. Bauer President American Values |
Joan Holt Lindsey President Lindsey Communications |
Charlie Copeland President Intercollegiate Studies Institute |
The Honorable James C. Miller III President Reagan’s Budget Director, 1985-1988 |
The Honorable Tim Huelskamp, Ph.D. U.S. House of Representatives Former Member, Kansas |
Mat Staver Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel |
Lewis K. Uhler Founder and President National Tax Limitation Committee |
Jim Backlin Vice President of Legislative Affairs Christian Coalition of America |
Rod D. Martin Founder and CEO The Martin Organization, Inc. |
Sherri R. Martin Executive Vice President The Martin Organization, Inc. |
Haley E. Martin President The Martin Foundation |
Shawn Mitchell Former National Chaplain National Federation of Republican Assemblies |
The Honorable Jerry Melvin Former Dean Florida House of Representatives |
Christina Murphy Lusk Campaign for the American Future |
Judson Phillips Founder Tea Party Nation |
Roxanne Phillips Member, Executive Committee Council for National Policy |
Richard H. Wright | Michelle Easton President Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women |
Kevin Freeman Founder NSIC Institute |
Ed Martin President Phyllis Schlafly Eagles |
Donna Hearne CEO Constitutional Coalition |
Rebekah Gantner Executive Director Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund |
Andrea Lafferty President Women for a Great America |
Allen Roth President Secure America Now |
Kay R. Daly President Coalition for a Fair Judiciary |
Jim Martin Founder/President 60 Plus Association |
Preston Hawkins Chairman Association for Community Education dba Radio Nueva Vida |
Ron Pearson Executive Director Conservative Victory Fund |
Saulius “Saul” Anuzis President 60 Plus Association |
Rebecca Hagelin Columnist The Washington Times |
Seton Motley President Less Government |
Bob Carlstrom President AMAC Action |
Gerard Kassar State Chairman NYS Conservative Party |
Jake Hoffman President & CEO Rally Forge |
The Honorable George K. Rasley Jr. Managing Editor ConservativeHQ.com |
Jeremy Cerone CEO EliteSafe Inc. |
Donna Rice Hughes CEO & President Enough Is Enough |
Allen Hebert Chairman American-Chinese Fellowship of Houston |
Robert D. Thompson Former Administrator The Weyrich Lunch Meeting (1999-2016) |
Thomas Pyle President American Energy Alliance |
Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. Founder and CEO CorsiNation.com |
Nancy Schulze Founder and President Republican Congressional Wives Speakers |
C. Preston Noell III President Tradition, Family, Property, Inc. |
Amapola Hansberger President Legal Immigrants for America |
Richard D. Hayes Partner Hayes Berry White & Vanzant LLP |
Elaine Donnelly President Center for Military Readiness |
J. Christian Adams President Public Interest Legal Foundation |
The Honorable Penny Pullen President Life Advocacy Resource Project |
Peter J .Thomas Chairman The Conservative Caucus |
Tim Wildmon President American Family Association |
Lori Roman President American Civil Rights Union Action Fund |
Darrell Henry Executive Director Western Caucus Foundation |
Glenn Preston Story Co-Founder Patriot Mobile |
Sal Russo Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Tea Party Express |
Peggy Dau Representative Iran Alive Ministries |
Robert Keith Fischer Meeting Coordinator Conservatives of Faith |
Travis Korson Director of Public Policy Frontiers of Freedom |
Dr. Alveda King Executive Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn Priests for Life |
Bailey Amaral Director The Windrose Project, Inc. |
Mark Fitzgibbons President of Corporate Affairs American Target Advertising |
Andresen Blom President Hawaiian Values |
Willes K. Lee President National Federation of Republican Assemblies |
Dr. Allen Unruh Founder National Abstinence Clearinghouse/Virtru |
Tom Donelson Chairman Americas PAC |
Ralph A. Rebandt II Lead Pastor Oakland Hills Community Church |
Charlie Gerow Vice Chairman American Conservative Union |
Reverend Frank Pavone National Director Priests for Life |
Melvin Adams President Noah Webster Educational Foundation |
Rob Gluskin Managing Partner Gluskin Investment Partners |
Dr. Richard G. Lee President/National Speaker There’s Hope America |
Chad Connelly President Faith Wins |
Paavo Ensio Chairman Universal Minerals Group |
George Landrith President Frontiers of Freedom |
Ellen Grigsby Director of Institutional Partnerships Open Doors USA |
Steve Berger Pastor Grace Chapel |
Craig Dance President / CEO Champion Coach |
Jay Mount President MDS Communications |
Terry Schilling Executive Director American Principles Project |
Randy M. Long Founder Long Business Advisors, LLC |
Grace-Marie Turner President Galen Institute |
David N. Bossie President Citizens United |
Mario Navarro da Costa Director, Washington Bureau Tradition, Family, Property |
Ron Robinson President Young America’s Foundation |
Lisa G. Calvert Christian Speaker Rabon-Calvert Int. |
Kevin McVicker Vice President Shirley Banister McVicker |
Floyd Brown Chairman America Fighting Back PAC |
Rob Chambers Vice President AFA Action |
Alan Sears Founder Alliance Defending Freedom |
Augusta Petrone Retired Reagan-Bush ’84 State Co-Chair |
Mark Bloom Owner Tekgeologik, LLC |
E.C. Sykes General Partner Aslan Ventures |
Susan A. Carleson Chairman/CEO The Carleson Center for Welfare Reform |
The Honorable Mike Hill Representative Florida State House |
Caroline Lewis Owner Percipio Communications |
William W. Pascoe, III Board Member Tea Party Patriots Action |
The Honorable Diana Denman Presidential Appointee President Ronald Reagan |
The Honorable Jason Rapert Arkansas Senate, District 35 President, National Association of Christian Lawmakers |
Ambassador Henry F. Cooper Former Chief Defense and Space Negotiator Former SDI Director |
Dr. Richard Rounsavelle Trustee Media Research Center |
Joseph A. Morris Partner, Morris & De La Rosa Assistant Attorney General, Reagan Administration |
Sandy Rios Director of Governmental Affairs AFA |
Sean Noble President American Encore |
Amy Kremer Co-Founder & Chair Women for America First |
Penna Dexter Co-Host Point of View Radio |
William P. Mills, III President MPW Properties |
All organizations listed for IDENTIFICATION purposes only.