The American System of Justice Politicized by Liberal Democrats

Garland Goes Wild: Just imagine, the Attorney General of the United States orders the FBI to “raid” a former president’s home (the current presumptive nominee for president) with orders to “engage” with the Secret Service if necessary.

Biden’s Attorney General authorized the “deadly use of force”?!?

The Biden camp wanted a confrontation. Some speculate something even worse. The FBI suggested they ask for permission… Garland over-road them and ordered a raid with permission to use deadly force… creating a potential situation that could have been catastrophic.

The political weaponization of the DOJ and FBI is VERY troubling and EVERY American should be VERY concerned.

Trump Soviet Style Trial: Former Acting Deputy Attorney General Matt Whitaker put it very succinctly – “We cannot have judges who are wearing the same jersey as the prosecution and not calling balls and strikes. This trial is deeply inconsistent with our American system of justice.

The Democrats have now not only politically weaponized the DOJ and FBI… but added many of the courts where they have appointed overly partisan, activist judges willing to pervert the American system of justice.

Not a good thing.

Facts are Facts: And the fact is, under President Trump, we had low inflation, low unemployment, low interest rates, a secure border, no new wars, and cheap gas.

– Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis

Now, under Joe Biden, we don’t.

Memorial Day: Freedom isn’t free. Let’s pause to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our liberty.

Read more below and follow me on Twitter & GETTR – @sanuzis  

Saul Anuzis

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Trump highlights Biden admin authorizing ‘deadly use of force’ in Mar-a-Lago raid

FBI said it followed standard protocol in its August 2022 raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

The Biden administration authorized the use of deadly force during the FBI’s raid on former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in August 2022 as part of its investigation into classified records, court documents revealed.

“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force. No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter,” the FBI told Fox News in a statement Tuesday. 

On Wednesday, Fox News learned from a source close to the Hur investigation that the same language also accompanied a search warrant for President Biden’s Delaware home.

An “Operations Order” produced in discovery as part of Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation into Trump’s alleged improper retention of classified records revealed that the “FBI believed its objective for the Mar-a-Lago raid was to seize ‘classified information, NDI, and US Government records,’” as described in the search warrant.

The order, according to a court filing, contained a “Policy Statement” regarding “Use of Deadly Force,” which stated, for example, “Law Enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary.”

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Inflation Reduction Act’s Dirty Little Secret: Largest Premium Increase Ever for Medicare Drug Benefit

When President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act in 2022, he promised it would lower Medicare costs for America’s seniors. Loaded with the all-too-familiar political rhetoric of “taking it to drug companies”– what is missing from this talking point is how the President “took it to seniors.”  

Thus far, however, seniors’ costs have skyrocketed. A new report reveals that for those with a Medicare Part D drug plan, this year’s premiums have increased by a crushing 21%, on average. Next year’s prices are expected to be even higher.

The IRA is unraveling the “Part D” drug benefit — and hitting seniors with bills that few can afford. It’s high time to review what went wrong.

The IRA’s most heralded reform gave Medicare officials the authority to set prices on a growing list of medicines covered by the program. Most thought the law would translate into savings at the pharmacy counter, but the IRA’s price-setting provision was designed to save the government — not patients — money.

The IRA’s framers knew that the law wouldn’t reduce drug prices immediately, so they included other sweeteners. One, a cap on monthly insulin costs at $35, has taken effect and is rightly popular. Another, lowering the cap on out-of-pocket drug expenditures, could have been popular — except that it doesn’t take effect until next year, and was so poorly designed it’s already producing surprise premium increases.

The scheduled decrease in the out-of-pocket maximum for prescriptions was a classic bait-and-switch. Seniors who take only brand name drugs thought they would save when the out-of-pocket maximum went down from about $3,300 under the old rules to $2,000. The IRA’s framers knew perfectly well they had no magic wand to make the $1,300 differential disappear, and the government had no intention of picking up that tab. So, lawmakers shifted financial responsibility for most of the $1,300 to insurers.

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State Department accused of using taxpayer money to promote atheism

House Republican lawmakers on Wednesday accused the State Department of engaging in a “pattern of obfuscation and denial” as it used taxpayer money to promote atheism overseas. 

At issue is a $500,000 grant solicited by the department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor in April of 2021 that was eventually awarded to Humanists International (HI), an organization the promotes humanism – an outlook that holds no belief in god, the supernatural, an afterlife or a higher source of moral values.

The State Department maintained for years that the grant money was being used to support religious freedom programs and to encourage tolerance toward religious minority populations overseas, denying that any efforts were being made to recruit people for the humanist cause.  

The government agency did not acknowledge any potential misuse of taxpayer funds until last month, after it sent congressional investigators a PowerPoint slide deck purportedly being used by HI in programming in Nepal that the State Department later admitted “were not the actual slides provided at the trainings.”

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Why Is the White House Hiding the Nationalities of Terror Suspects at the Border?

The terror threat at the southern border has never been greater than it is now, but the federal government is attempting to hide the magnitude of this threat from the American people.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is refusing to make public the nationalities of suspected terrorists who have crossed the U.S. southern border, even as a record number of illegal aliens on the terror watch list have entered the country in recent years. The number of suspected terrorists crossing the border illegally has increased by 2,500 percent in recent years, and border security experts have warned that the next 9/11-style terrorist attack in the U.S. will likely be linked to the nation’s wide open southern border.

Yet, the Biden administration has rejected Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from Fox News to reveal the nationalities of those on the terror watch list who have crossed the border illegally. The administration claims it can’t release this information because it would violate the privacy of these suspected terrorists. Apparently, protecting the privacy rights of alleged terrorists is a more important priority for this administration than alerting the public to the national security threats that threaten them.

This lack of transparency is a slap in the face to the American public, which has the right to know where these suspected terrorists are coming from. The reason the nationality of these suspected terrorists is important is because it helps identify the potential sources behind these threats. For example, Iran, a sworn enemy of the U.S., is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, and funds terrorist groups across the globe, including Hezbollah, which is known to operate in Central America. If a good number of the suspected terrorists who have crossed the border in recent years are Iranian or are known to have connections to Hezbollah, the U.S. should be able to identify the source of these threats, and cut it off. This is one of the main reasons the Trump administration enacted a travel ban from several countries known to support terrorism, including Iran.

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America is in a battle and this is the enemy that’s being ignored

Tragically, the security of our nation is not a concern for President Biden, as he seeks to import anyone and everyone from anywhere in the world

Our recent trip to the Southern border at Eagle Pass, Texas, was shocking. We saw individuals casually strolling across our wide-open border. We saw a humanitarian crisis. We saw the breakdown of law and order. And above it all, we saw an invasion of our country.

We also met with local officials who told us back in 2019, the border was secure, and none of these issues existed. They also told us that things could quickly be that way again, if only they had the cooperation and support of the federal government, which has thus far been refused.

Most might not realize it, but America is indeed in a battle, not with Russia, China, or Hamas, but with the invasion happening on our southern border. This invasion is all the more threatening because it is being aided and abetted by the Biden administration and funded by some of the largest and most well-financed NGOs in the world, all working against the American people and their best interests. Tragically, the security of our nation is not a concern for President Biden, as he seeks to import anyone and everyone from anywhere in the world, without any vetting or screening whatsoever.

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Progressive Portland DA Ousted as Voters Overwhelmingly Reject Soft-on-Crime Policies

Confronted with a surge in crime and homelessness, Portland voters have chosen a onetime Republican to be their next district attorney, ousting incumbent Mike Schmidt and the progressive agenda he was elected to implement following the riots of 2020.

The contest between incumbent Multnomah County district attorney Schmidt and moderate opponent Nathan Vasquez, one of Schmidt’s former deputies, has drawn national attention as a bellwether for the fate of the progressive prosecutor movement that gained steam after the murder of George Floyd four years ago.

Local station KPTV called the race for Vasquez Tuesday evening, soon after primary results began pouring in. With ballots still being counted, Vasquez leads Schmidt 55.7 percent to 43.8 percent, a whopping 12-point advantage for the challenger. Schmidt’s overwhelming defeat is part of a broader backlash against progressives across Oregon, a deep-blue bastion for experimental left-wing policies.

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Time For Congress to Take a Good Look at UnitedHealth and the AARP

Earlier this month, the CEO of UnitedHealth Group was called to testify before the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate regarding his company’s handling of a major cyberattack on its wholly owned health IT subsidiary company, Change Healthcare. Considering that the massive company interacts with nearly a third of all medical records and has just acknowledged that a “substantial proportion of people in America” could be impacted in some form or another due to the breach, Congressional hearings on the issue are likely justified.

The scope of the attack signals that a broader examination of UnitedHealth’s anti-competitive practices is in order, making an upcoming May 23 House Budget Committee hearing on healthcare monopolies even more timely. 

Despite it being the catalyst for the recent hearing, certain members of Congress were wise to expand beyond questions over the cyberattack to ask more fundamental questions about the company’s business model, its impact on our nation’s healthcare system, and recent allegations regarding its practices. In doing so, these lawmakers helped illuminate many of the critical risks and inflated costs resulting from the increasing stranglehold giant health services cartels like UnitedHealth have on patients, seniors, and families. The House Budget Committee hearing gives members of Congress the opportunity to expand this line of questioning to bring UnitedHealth’s monopolistic practices to light.

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Republicans recover over 100 files deleted by Jan. 6 committee days before GOP took majority

“It’s obvious that Pelosi’s Select Committee went to great lengths to prevent Americans from seeing certain documents produced in their investigation,” Loudermilk said.

Forensic investigators hired by a Republican-led committee recovered more than 100 encrypted files that the Democratic-led House Jan. 6 Select Committee deleted days before the GOP took over the House majority, according to a new report released Monday.

House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chair Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., sent a letter to former Select Committee Chair Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., demanding he provide answers and passwords for the data, which was deleted against House rules, according to Fox News Digital. 

The Oversight Subcommittee, which is investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and the former select committee, should have received four terabytes of archived data from the select committee after Republicans entered the majority in January 2023, but it obtained less than three terabytes of data.

The subcommittee hired a digital forensics team to determine what information was not handed over, and the team discovered 117 files that were encrypted and deleted on Jan. 1, 2023, two days before Republicans were sworn into the majority, according to the report.

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Trump’s VP shortlist, ranked by ‘Pence-proof’ loyalty

Former President Donald Trump knows from the real estate business the three words that most affect property values: “location, location, and location.”

As the presumptive Republican presidential nominee ponders selecting a new running mate, he also knows the impact of “loyalty, loyalty, and loyalty,” believing that on Jan. 6, 2021, his “disloyal” former vice president thwarted his grandiose plans for retaining power.

While Trump does not explicitly state “loyalty” as a prerequisite, vice presidential wannabees subliminally hear the word replayed on MAGA megaphones and act accordingly, lured by the opportunity to be one heartbeat away from the presidency behind an overweight, high-strung man who turns 78 on June 14.  

Thus, ambitious vice presidential “shortlist” candidates are deaf to the warnings of Mike Pence, Trump’s once uber-loyal vice president. Notably, on August 1, 2023, when Trump was indicted for allegedly trying to overturn the 2020 election, Pence said, “President Trump demanded that I choose between him and the Constitution. I chose the Constitution, and I always will.”

In March, Pence announced that he would not endorse Trump for president, which some consider a historic snub.

Prior to Jan. 6, Pence had demonstrated unflinching loyalty to Trump, his administration, and the two presidential campaigns. With that “except” in mind, however, it now appears Trump is trying to “Pence-proof” the vice presidency with loyalists who, if confronted with a Jan. 6-type crisis, might even choose Trump over the Constitution.

Below, ranked in order of “Pence-proof” loyalty, are Trump’s four most likely running mates.

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