“Go home with love & in peace” – Donald J. Trump Tweet from January 6th
Biden’s Inflation: By the numbers, overall inflation up 8.6% since last year!
Gas: up 48.7%
Fuel Oil: up 106.7%
Meat, Poultry & Fish: up 13.1%
Milk: up 15.9%
Eggs: up 32.2%
Coffee: up 15.3%
Used Cars: up 16.1%
Airline Fares: up 37.8%
…and NO, it’s NOT Putin’s fault. “Come on” Joe, the buck should stop with you and the Democrat’s lousy policy choices.
The Crazy Left of the Democratic Party: You listen to what they say, you watch what they burn and protest, you feel the economic pain and you realize…this is NOT your parent’s Democrat Party.
We now have liberal, Democratic cities like San Francisco recalling the crazy left-wing prosecutors because today’s Democratic Party has gone too far.
You now have mothers, parents and grandparents leading civil revolutions at school board meetings and local elections as the crazy liberal Democrats push and shove their policies on mainstream America.
You now have girls and young women standing up for their rights to compete fairly in sports and go to the bathroom in peace.
The crazy left of the Democratic Party is in charge, and they have gone too far.
Elections have consequences and we’ve felt it on the streets of Minneapolis, Chicago, Seattle and elsewhere as our cities burned by “leftist” who used the system to become millionaires.
We had record safe and clean elections in Georgia, and elsewhere, AFTER electoral reform. Efforts that radicals on the left claimed were racist “Jim Crow” laws. We have rampant crime across the country as the left has defunded the police, neutered their ability to fight crime, and we have liberal prosecutors putting criminals right back on the streets after they have been arrested.
This is NOT your parent’s Democratic Party and voters have had enough.
The Sham Politicized January 6th Commission: The Democrats, and some Republicans, hate Donald Trump so much they are willing to lie and mislead the American people by conducting a taxpayer funded show trial.
These anti-Trumpers are so committed to blaming President Trump for the actions of some violent and belligerent actors (who should be prosecuted) that they have created this show trial with NO Republican appointed member and no effort to tell the full story…especially if it doesn’t fit their narrative.
You need to look no further than when Congresswoman Liz Cheney put forth Donald Trump’s tweet from January 6th while LEAVING OFF the last sentence…“Go home with love & in peace”.
Rep. Liz Cheney read out loud a Trump tweet from the afternoon of January 6 where the president said: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long.”
Then, she continued with her spin, skipping that the president wrote: “Go home with love & peace. Remember this day forever!”
This is a blatantly biased, politicized, taxpayer funded show trial by the crazy left-wing Democrats who hate everything and anything that has to do with Donald Trump.
At best, the January 6th Committee is a propaganda machine, being selective about what evidence is presented during the hearing with NO cross examination…NO due process.
I’m guessing the American people see through this charade…while most ignore this made for TV drama the Democrats are trying to sell.
Biden’s “Errors” and Follies: There is another example of how “unintentionally” the Biden Administration is manipulating public policy and politics, this time by a Census Bureau “error.”
Read the article below that points out how Florida and Texas were both screwed out of 3 additional congressional seats each by an “error.”
The Biden Administration and its politically motivated left-wing allies have no shame as the mainstream media not only turns a blind eye to their shenanigans, but covers for them!
Which Joe Manchin: We are just asking the question!?! Senator Joe Machin, along with a few other Democrats in the Senate, raised concerns about Biden’s & Pelosi’s so called “Build Back Better Act” to fund their liberal agenda…including big funding for the “Green New Deal.”
We are asking Senator Machin, through our seniors in West Virginia, which Joe Manchin do we have today? Under pressure, Senator Manchin is considering backing a so called “compromise” that risked stripping over $300 Billion from Medicare.
Seriously? Stay strong Senator, seniors in West Virginia respect your independence. Stick with your seniors NOT the Biden & Pelosi far left plan.
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Read more below and follow me on Twitter – @sanuzis
–Saul Anuzis
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60 Plus Weekly Video Rewind
Former White House spokesperson Dana Perino blasts Democrats for being complicit in the assassination attempt of Justice Kavanaugh, Nancy Pelosi passes sweeping gun control legislation in the House, President Biden’s poll numbers continue to drop, and Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow gives us her opinion on high gas prices!
Links to the articles discussed in the video:

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Biden approval sinks to 22% among young adults, 24% among Hispanics
Approval of President Biden’s job performance slipped to just 33% in a poll released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University — as even key Democratic voting blocs such as young people and racial minorities give the president a big thumbs-down.
The survey, conducted June 3-6, found that 22% of Americans ages 18-34 approve of Biden’s performance — the lowest rating of any age group. Just 24% of Hispanic voters and 49% of black voters said they approve of Biden’s work.
Although elected with the most votes in US history, Biden’s support cratered about seven months into office during the chaotic US pullout from Afghanistan and remained low as inflation and violent crime spiked.
In the new poll, 64% of respondents said they disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy and 34% said inflation is the most pressing national issue. Annual inflation was above 8% in March and April, which critics blame on Biden’s policies.
Nearly as many respondents — 59% — said they disapprove of Biden’s handling of “gun violence,” a term that covers both rising violent crime in major cities and recent mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde, Texas. The poll found 57% support stricter gun laws, with 92% support for requiring background checks on all gun buyers.
More than 8 in 10 Americans say the economy is ‘poor or not so good’ under Biden
More than 8 in 10 Americans believe the state of the US economy under President Biden is bleak — and many are concerned about their own finances amid soaring inflation rates, food and gas prices, according to a new poll.
The Wall Street Journal-NORC survey released Monday found that 83% of respondents described the national economy as “poor” or “not so good.”
More than a third who answered the survey — or 35% — said they aren’t satisfied at all with their financial situation, marking the highest level of dissatisfaction in 50 years.
And the share of poll respondents who said their financial situation had gotten worse in the past few years was 38% — the highest since the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis.
3 Takeaways From The Successful Recall Of San Francisco’s Far-Left DA Chesa Boudin
Boudin’s recall signals that his soft-on-crime policies have gone too far even for most Democrat voters.
On Tuesday, San Francisco’s largely liberal residents successfully recalled their woke district attorney, Chesa Boudin. The majority of San Franciscans held Boudin accountable for the city’s skyrocketing crimes and the deterioration of the quality of life. The recall’s success has significant implications for San Francisco and the rest of the country.
1. Wokeness Gone Too Far, Even For Democrat Voters
2. The Democrat Party’s Establishment Is Out of Touch
3. Neither Party Can Afford to Ignore Asian American Voters
What was the Left thinking?
Whether you’re contemplating San Francisco voters’ recall of left-wing District Attorney Chesa Boudin or the plight of Democrats nationally as they face voters’ dismay at out-of-control inflation, immigration, and crime, the question is liable to come to mind: What were they thinking?
Actually, there are some initially plausible answers. We’ve just been informed this last week by Janet Yellen biographer Owen Ullmann that the treasury secretary argued in early 2021 for a smaller bill than the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.
Yellen denied having opposed it outright. But she didn’t deny sharing concerns that overspending would fuel inflation, as her Clinton administration predecessor Larry Summers argued in the Washington Post.
Whoever swept aside Yellen’s concerns perhaps bought leftists’ “Modern Monetary Theory” that the government can print as much money as it wants without risking inflation. Or that since the Obama administration ran deficits without spurring inflation after an economic shock, the Biden administration could do so after a quite different shock.
Which leaves you asking the question: What were they thinking?
Should Biden Run in 2024? Democratic Whispers of ‘No’ Start to Rise
In interviews, dozens of frustrated Democratic officials, members of Congress and voters expressed doubts about the president’s ability to rescue his reeling party and take the fight to Republicans.
Midway through the 2022 primary season, many Democratic lawmakers and party officials are venting their frustrations with President Biden’s struggle to advance the bulk of his agenda, doubting his ability to rescue the party from a predicted midterm trouncing and increasingly viewing him as an anchor that should be cut loose in 2024.
As the challenges facing the nation mount and fatigued base voters show low enthusiasm, Democrats in union meetings, the back rooms of Capitol Hill and party gatherings from coast to coast are quietly worrying about Mr. Biden’s leadership, his age and his capability to take the fight to former President Donald J. Trump a second time.
Interviews with nearly 50 Democratic officials, from county leaders to members of Congress, as well as with disappointed voters who backed Mr. Biden in 2020, reveal a party alarmed about Republicans’ rising strength and extraordinarily pessimistic about an immediate path forward.
Michael Sussmann Free And Peter Navarro In Shackles Epitomize America’s Two-Tier Justice
What do you do when your every institution has been weaponized against you? What do you do when there is a two-tier, no-justice system?
The split-screen of a smug and triumphant Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann walking free from D.C. federal court, and a harried and bewildered former Donald Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro being hauled before it, following his account of a harrowing arrest and detainment, ought to be ingrained indelibly in the American mind.
It sends an unmistakable message: We can get you anytime, anywhere, on any grounds we choose. You can’t touch even a single one of ours.
If by some strange occurrence one of ours is brought before a court, the judge and jury will be rigged against you. “I dare you to ask me to recuse with an acquaintance on the stand,” the judge will say. “What’s a lie to our FBI among friends,” the jury will say. Especially when the lie is a useful one.
The institutions Democrats’ comrade colluded with will be absolved of blame by the putatively adversarial prosecutor representing you, the people. That prosecutor will be plodding, and hew to process crimes against bit players, while the statutes of limitations for the most serious crimes committed by the biggest fish lapse.
You won’t be able to discern whether he is building a masterful case to take us all down, or insulating the very institutions he has served for and with for years, and to which he ultimately answers. That’s the point.
Biden executive order defunds the police by another name
Here are three reasons Biden’s executive order on police is problematic.
Between historic surges in violent crime, frequent calls to “defund the police,” and a deluge of soft-on-crime policies emanating from the Democratic Party on a regular basis, President Joe Biden’s recent signing of an executive order that ostensibly advances “effective” policing and strengthens “public safety” likely came as a relief to many Americans.
But sadly, like far too many other Biden policy initiatives, the language surrounding the executive order is wildly misleading. In reality, “Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety,” signed by Biden on May 25, does more to appease far-left priorities than it does to reduce crime, improve policing, or make our communities safer — and it should sound the alarm for every American who cares about our nation’s heroic men and women in law enforcement.
The Biden executive order is problematic for three primary reasons:
Biden’s Administration “error” screws Republicans!
Texas & Florida each lose 3 congressional seats.
2020 Census Count Errors & Congressional Apportionment
n May 19, 2022, the U.S. Census Bureau released the 2020 Census estimated overcount and undercount rates by State derived from the 2020 Post-Enumeration Survey (PES). The PES is used to estimate the accuracy of the population figures reported by the decennial census to improve the Census Bureau’s counting operations for future censuses. According to the report, 14 States are estimated to have had statistically significant net overcounts or undercounts of their state populations in the 2020 Census. States with estimated overcounts include Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Utah, while States with estimated undercounts include Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas. For context, the Census Bureau’s PES report for the 2010 Census found no statistically significant net overcounts or undercounts. The table and map below show each of the statistically significant States and their estimated net overcount or undercount rates…
… The Census Bureau’s PES report reveals, however, statistically significant counting errors impacted the 2020 Census official population figures in 14 States and, due to the nature of the method of equal proportions, these errors had a direct impact on the result of the 2020 Congressional Apportionment. Using the report’s estimated net overcount and undercount rates in conjunction with the official results of the 2020 Census, one can calculate the estimated total population in the affected States and determine how the 2020 Congressional Apportionment would have changed had these counting errors not occurred…
… the 2020 Congressional Apportionment would have changed if each State’s total population were accurately reported by the 2020 Census. California, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and New York would each still have lost a seat, but Minnesota and Rhode Island would each have lost a seat as well. North Carolina, Montana, and Oregon would each still have gained a seat, but Texas and Florida would each have gained three seats instead of two and one, respectively, while Colorado would not have gained any.
Remembering Lew Uhler For Limiting Taxes Before It Was Cool
The death of Lew Uhler on Friday night deeply shook his legions of friends from coast to coast.
From his native California to Washington D.C., Uhler, 88, was a founding father in the fight to limit taxes at the state and national levels.
Realizing that Uhler would no longer be around to germinate citizens’ uprisings against high taxes, many recalled how the Californian was not only present at the creation of the modern “ax the tax” movement, but helped bring it to life.
Grover Norquist, president of Americans For Tax Reform, told Newsmax: “Lou Uhler was a key leader of the anti-tax movement before and long after Howard Jarvis and Paul Gann lit up the sky with the victory of Proposition 13 in California in 1978. Uhler worked across America and at the state and federal levels to reduce taxes and limit spending. America is a stronger and better place for his work.”
“Of all my allies in our efforts to bury the confiscatory death tax, none came close to Lew’s knowledge and impact,” said Jim Martin, longtime head of the Sixty Plus Seniors Association, “He was a titan who will be sorely missed.”
Advocates from all over serve seniors effectively
Who’s looking out for us as seniors? After a visit to the recent Senior Life Boomer Expo, I was amazed at all the organizations, vendors and activists concerned about us. The challenge we face is to determine who has our best interest at heart or for their profit potential.
Advocates are those who speak in our favor, support our causes and concerns, represent us, act on our behalf, lobby, defend, intercede and offer valuable services to meet our needs.
After making a list of advocates from A to Z, I found many groups that provide valuable resources. On a national level, AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) performs better than any other group. Currently, AARP provides grassroots representation for more than 50 million seniors. Its focus now is the Trust Act, Social Security and Medicare benefits, and lowering prescription drug prices. The organization advocates for many areas of a senior’s life.
Aging Matters in Brevard is a multi-faceted group that deals with local concerns, seeks volunteers to provide an endless list of services (Meals on Wheels, transportation, and support). The American Association of Senior Citizens (60 plus) focuses heavily on lobbying for the Social Security Guarantee Act and other national issues.
Jan. 6 and the Unhealthy Nostalgia for Watergate
Michael Barone says Nixon’s scandal was a historical watershed and had a baleful influence on politics and journalism that still bedevils us today.
The House Jan. 6 select committee held its first public hearing on Thursday to uncertain political effect. Next Friday, eight days later, is the 50th anniversary of the break-in at the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters in Washington’s Watergate complex. The latter led to a summer of hearings in 1973. The following year President Nixon resigned rather than face certain impeachment and removal from office. America, Michael Barone says, was never the same again.
Mr. Barone, arguably the premier journalistic historian of contemporary American politics, doesn’t consider the anniversary timing a happy coincidence. Of this week’s hearings, he says, “I don’t think they’re going to drive public opinion to a different place.” The Watergate hearings, by contrast, had a defining impact, thrusting Nixon’s approval rating down from 68% in January 1973 to 31% in August. Beginning in May, they commanded a national audience, with live daytime coverage on all three broadcast television networks. But looking back over five decades, Mr. Barone thinks Watergate was a historical watershed and had a baleful influence on politics and journalism that still bedevils us today.
Mr. Barone, 77, began a lifelong love affair with politics as an intern for his hometown mayor, Jerome Cavanagh of Detroit, in the summer of 1967. “I was a personal witness to the riots,” he says. He was later a political consultant before he turned to journalism and is now a weekly columnist at the Washington Examiner. Along the way he wrote several books, including “Our Country: The Shaping of America From Roosevelt to Reagan” (1990), and was for 40 years the principal author of the biennial Almanac of American Politics, whose first edition was published in 1972, pre-Watergate. He credits himself with coining the term “K Street” to describe Washington’s lobbying industry.