Happy Father’s Day: A responsibility too many ignore. One of the greatest titles in the world is that of parents, Father and Mother, and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have parents to call mom and dad. Thanks for all you do!
1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down.
2. Don’t enter a pool by the stairs.
3. The man at the BBQ Grill is the closest thing to a king.
4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.
5. Request the late check-out.
6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.
7. Hold your heroes to a higher standard.
8. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.
9. Play with passion or not at all…
10. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.
11. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.
12. If you need music on the beach, you’re missing the point.
13. Carry two handkerchiefs. The one in your back pocket is for you. The one in your breast pocket is for her.
14. You marry the girl, you marry her family.
15. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.
16. Experience the serenity of traveling alone.
17. Never be afraid to ask out the best looking girl in the room.
18. Never turn down a breath mint.
19. A sport coat is worth 1000 words.
20. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.
21. Thank a veteran. Then make it up to him.
22. Eat lunch with the new kid.
23. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it.
24. Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win.
25. Manners maketh the man.
26. Give credit. Take the blame.
27. Stand up to Bullies. Protect those bullied.
28. Write down your dreams.
29. Always protect your siblings (and teammates).
30. Be confident and humble at the same time.
31. Call and visit your parents often. They miss you.
32. The healthiest relationships are those where you’re a team; where you respect, protect, and stand up for each other.
The Democrat’s Filibuster Myth: “According to a Politico analysis, Bill Clinton faced a total of 15 filibusters by the Senate in his two terms. Obama faced 175 in eight years. Trump faced over 300 in only four.”
Critical Race Theory: I have been asked many times, “what is critical race theory and what is wrong or the concerns with it being pushed in schools across the country?” Like everything political, different folks present it and interpret it in different ways for their own political objectives.
I found the article below, entitled Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism, a good, concise description of the concerns many have.
One has to remember, no one is arguing there is no racism in this country, let alone in the world. The history of racism should be taught and acknowledged, as should the positive evolution of the civil rights movement, tolerance and the successes that show us there is hope and expectations for continuing change in our society.
Burning down our neighborhoods, looting stores, defunding the police or teaching/declaring anyone who doesn’t agree is racist isn’t the answer.
I reject that America is, by definition, racist or that there is systemic racism everywhere. I prefer we learn from the mistakes of the past and strive to embody the words of Martin Luther King Jr. who said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
Election Fraud: So far, no proof. We have a lot of concerns, accusations, and irregularities that are raising legitimate concerns. But unless there is actual proof of fraud, evidence and prosecutions, then it’s little more than suspicions and, at worse, conspiracy theories that hurt our system of government.
We are a country grounded by the rule of law. So it’s important that our laws are followed, our constitution respected, and that we allow ALL the audits, challenges and accusations to be investigated and either debunked or, where appropriate, publicly disclosed and prosecuted.
Let the process work its way through. Let’s clarify the law where necessary. Do the investigations and complete the audits. Protect the chain of custody of ballots. Let’s get to the bottom of this and provide comfort and clarity to the American people regarding how this election was held.
Let us make it easier to vote and harder to cheat. Why is this a controversial position?!?
–Saul Anuzis
Click Here for Past Commentary from Saul
60 Plus Weekly Video Rewind
IN THIS WEEK’S VIDEO: Potential COVID-19 vaccine patent giveaway would endanger seniors and Biden keeps bumbling on the world stage continuously putting the United Sates at risk!
Links to the articles discussed in the video:

Help Us Fight Corporate Tyranny!
We have launched “the Corporate Accountability Initiative” to send a message to public companies on Wall Street. We own your stock. We fund your companies. We have the power. Stop disregarding us, stop offending us, stop screwing us over! Or we’ll pull our money from your companies!
Join the Fight! Visit https://www.60plus.org/fightwithwayne/
The Myth of Unprecedented Republican Obstructionism
Political parties might be right or wrong, but only one clamors to blow up the rules every time they don’t get their way.
The political media have spent the entire Joe Biden presidency up to this point pressuring holdout moderate Democrats to join the Left’s efforts to destroy the legislative filibuster. One way they do this is by cobbling together revisionist histories that cast Republicans as uniquely obstructionist and un-democratic.
Here is CNN’s “White House Correspondent” John Harwood laying out that history in broad strokes:
Harwood contends that the modern GOP’s embrace of nihilistic “total resistance” goes back to their opposition of Bill Clinton’s historic 1993 tax hike. What he fails to mention is that after the “deficit-reduction” bill, the GOP, often in significant numbers, voted for a slew of big policy reforms: 16 Senate Republicans voted for the Family and Medical Leave Act; a telecommunications reform passed 81–18, with only one Republican voting nay; the welfare-reform compromise bill passed 78–21; the Brady Act gun-control bill only passed because of Republican support; NAFTA passed 73–26; Joe Biden’s crime bill passed 95–4; just to mention a few.
Of course, in those days, parties would bend over backwards to compromise when writing wide-ranging bills so they could claim bipartisan support. This was often the case during the George W. Bush years, as well. The Patriot Act was a bipartisan bill. No Child Left Behind, co-written by liberal “lion” Ted Kennedy, passed 87–10 in the Senate…
…Perhaps Harwood is unaware that Trump faced more procedural delays in his four years in office than any president in history — actually, more than all other presidents in history combined. According to a Politico analysis, Bill Clinton faced a total of 15 filibusters by the Senate in his two terms. Obama faced 175 in eight years. Trump faced over 300 in only four.
Lawmakers unveil major bipartisan antitrust reforms that could reshape Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google
Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google could be forced to overhaul their business practices under an expansive set of antitrust reforms introduced by a bipartisan group of House lawmakers on Friday.
The package of five bills would make it harder for dominant platforms to complete mergers and prohibit them from owning business lines that present clear conflicts of interest.
The measures come in the wake of a lengthy investigation by the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust into the four companies that was completed last year.
Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google could be forced to overhaul their business practices under an expansive set of antitrust reforms introduced by a bipartisan group of House lawmakers on Friday.
The package of five bills, draft versions of which were reported by CNBC and other outlets, would make it harder for dominant platforms to complete mergers and prohibit them from owning businesses that present clear conflicts of interest. The legislation represents the most comprehensive effort to reform century-old antitrust laws in decades.
The bills will need to be voted on favorably by the Judiciary Committee before making their way to the full House. They would also need to be approved by the Senate before they could be signed into law by the president.
What the Capitol Riot Prosecutions Tell Us
The rioters will be punished appropriately, but not punished as if they were terrorists who were trying to overthrow the United States government.
The office of the United States attorney for the District of Columbia has a “Sedition Task Force” focused on the January 6 riot . . . but it doesn’t have a sedition case.
Federal prosecutors haven’t charged any terrorism offenses, but, as a rationale for denying one defendant bail, they are trying to convince a skeptical federal judge that by damaging a doorway in forcing her way into the Capitol — a crime often treated as a misdemeanor, and for which the maximum sentence is just ten years — she committed a “crime of terrorism.”
Let’s be real. With due respect to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the Capitol melee is by no stretch of the imagination the greatest threat to our democracy in living memory. It is not 9/11. It is not the Boston Marathon bombing. Indeed, the June 14, 2017, Washington baseball field shooting spree, in which a radical leftist tried to mass-murder much of the Republican congressional delegation, bore more hallmarks of a terrorist attack — albeit one that, like the deadly Black Lives Matter riots of last summer, the media-Democrat complex always remembers to forget.
On the other hand, January 6 was not nothing. Far from it. Many Trump fans recall it as a rally that got a tad rambunctious, featuring gaggles of patriotic septuagenarians who wandered into the halls of Congress — waved in by the security forces, in fact — swept away in the heat of the moment . . . or just harmlessly curious to see what all the commotion was about.
There was some of that, sure. But it’s a distorted picture.
Eight Big Reasons Critical Race Theory Is Terrible for Dealing with Racism
As unlikely as it seems, a highly obscure academic theory known as Critical Race Theory has completely mainstreamed in society, and now everyone is discussing it. While Critical Race Theory has the noble goal of pointing out problems that can be hard to see and that maintain or constitute racism, it turns out to be a remarkably bad way of going about this. A little familiarity with the basic principles of Critical Race Theory and how they go wrong can help with this.
Before I begin, I offer my apologies to the reader. Critical Race Theory has been growing for over 40 years, and it has many deep problems. Therefore, this is long, and still it is not nearly complete. Here, I document just eight of the biggest problems with the entire Critical Race Theory approach. Treat them as eight short essays on specific topics in Critical Race Theory and digest them one at a time. I offer them in the hopes of helping people understand it better so they can decide for themselves if Critical Race Theory is the way we should be dealing with race issues and racism in our society, or if we can genuinely do better.
Since this is so long: here’s the ‘too long; didn’t read’ bullet-point summary:
Critical Race Theory…
-believes racism is present in every aspect of life, every relationship, and every interaction and therefore has its advocates look for it everywhere
-relies upon “interest convergence” (white people only give black people opportunities and freedoms when it is also in their own interests) and therefore doesn’t trust any attempt to make racism better
-is against free societies and wants to dismantle them and replace them with something its advocates control
-only treats race issues as “socially constructed groups,” so there are no individuals in Critical Race Theory
-believes science, reason, and evidence are a “white” way of knowing and that storytelling and lived experience are a “black” alternative, which hurts everyone, especially black people
-rejects all potential alternatives, like colorblindness, as forms of racism, making itself the only allowable game in town (which is totalitarian)
-acts like anyone who disagrees with it must do so for racist and white supremacist reasons, even if those people are black (which is also totalitarian)
-cannot be satisfied, so it becomes a kind of activist black hole that threatens to destroy everything it is introduced into
Media Now Admits Trump Was Right About Pretty Much Everything in 2020
The former president of the United States Donald J. Trump sent a message to the public Saturday afternoon, listing 10 news stories the mainstream media falsely claimed were “fake news.”
“Have you noticed that they are now admitting I was right about everything they lied about before the election?” President Trump asked, in reference to the media, via an email to his supporters.
He went on to list 10 stories from 2020 alone that the former commander-in-chief has been vindicated on, calling into question just what the heck media was focusing on all of last year.
Here’s a little background comparing what was being said at the time, and what is being reported now:
My Top 10 media lie
Another one bites the dust. Another media lie, that is.
The latest lie to die is the false claim the feds cleared Lafayette Park of protesters last year so then-President Donald Trump could hold a photo op. The Interior Department’s inspector general says police planned to clear the park so a contractor could install a fence, a decision unrelated to Trump’s walk to a nearby historic church burned in a riot.
If the debunking feels familiar, it’s not your imagination. Only the details differ from earlier cases where the media mob got it all wrong. Sadly, the truth usually emerges not because of the press, but despite it.
Take growing acceptance of the idea the COVID-19 pandemic started with a leak from a virology lab in Wuhan, China. The idea was always plausible, but the press and big tech declared it a “conspiracy theory” and snuffed it out of circulation.
But after China couldn’t prove the virus jumped from bats to humans, the lab-leak theory gained credence. Suddenly, it became acceptable to share it on Facebook, which appointed itself guardian of all that is proper in American discourse.
DC Mayor Honored At DNC For Riot Response. New Reports Reveal She, Not Trump, Teargassed Protesters
For more than a year, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser allowed President Donald Trump to take the blame for what her police forces had done.
The first speaker former actress Eva Longoria introduced at the Democratic National Convention in August 2020 was Muriel Bowser, the Democrat mayor of Washington, D.C. Longoria referenced the clearing of a street in front of the White House earlier that summer, an operation the media had repeatedly falsely characterized as the violent removal of peaceful protesters with tear gas for the sole purpose of a photo opportunity for President Donald Trump.
“When peaceful protesters were teargassed across from the White House, our next speaker stood up, stood strong and turned that place into the Black Lives Matter Plaza in their honor. Please welcome Mayor Muriel Bowser,” Longoria said.
Amazingly, new reports confirm it was Bowser — not Trump — who teargassed the protesters a few blocks away from the White House on the evening in question, that the protests had repeatedly devolved into violence and arson, and that the clearing was done for major security concerns and not a photo opportunity. For more than a year, Bowser allowed Trump to take the blame for what her police forces had done.
In her nationally broadcast speech, Bowser inaccurately called the violent riots — marked by widespread looting, arson of historic buildings, arson of White House buildings, and assaults on scores of police officers — safe and peaceful. Then she blamed Trump for her own police force’s teargassing of protesters.
“[W]hile we were peacefully protesting, Donald Trump was plotting. He stood in front of one of our most treasured houses of worship and held a Bible for a photo op. He sent troops in camouflage into our streets. He sent tear gas into the air and federal helicopters too. I knew if he did this to DC, he would do it to your city or your town, and that’s when I said enough,” she said.
Election Fraud is an Issue that Will Not Go Away
There are many reasons to doubt the 2020 election results. No question, strange things were happening on Election Night. Democrats’ push for universal mail-in balloting made fraud much easier to commit. There is evidence of massive foreign cyber-interference as well. The media say there is nothing to see here, but we cannot move on from November 3 until we fully understand what happened.
Voting fraud has been going on for many years and has not been confronted in any meaningful way. The Democrats’ playbook for a long time has been to steal elections. This time, it was on a grand scale. Ironically, had Trump won his second term, election fraud would continue endlessly into the future with little comment.
Arizona is nearing the completion of a full forensic audit, and lawmakers from other states are traveling there to see how it is done. The issue is reaching critical mass. Election integrity is finally getting the attention it deserves, and the truth of the 2020 election is going to come out.