Jim Martin, “More than ever Obamacare is clinging to life support. It’s time for Congress to pull the plug and defund this Spruce Goose of bureaucratic nightmares once and for all.”
(Alexandria, Virginia) — President Obama proved his critics right this week when he announced that the employer mandate provision of Obamacare would be delayed an additional year, failing to meet a launch deadline the law’s opponents said would expose the legislation as too complex, too burdensome, too costly and too unworkable for the nation’s economy and business community.
The Administration’s failure to implement its signature legislation despite three years of preparation brought a strong rebuke from 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization and acknowledged alternative to the liberal AARP with over 7.2 million senior supporters.
Said Martin, “Three years ago President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid said we must pass Obamacare quickly so that it could fix healthcare, create jobs and help bring down the deficit, and an all Democrat House and Senate obliged without even bothering to read the bill. With midterm elections looming, it is nothing short of an outrage that the Democrats’ sudden rush to implement this law is now nowhere to be found.
“The Washington Post reported that Obama decided to delay the mandate after ‘hearing significant concerns from employers about the challenges of implementing it.’ Yet these are the same business leaders Obama and the Democrats ignored when they were forcing Obamacare down our throats, so we already know they hold no regard whatsoever for the ‘concerns’ of employers.
“The sad truth is that with the 2014 elections on the horizon, Obama, Pelosi and Reid did not want this looming train wreck to derail Democrats’ chances at the polls. But Obamacare is just too big to be swept under the rug, and this pathetic attempt to distract voters from disaster around the corner will not calm their anger come election time.
“This law has failed even before its launch, killing jobs, ballooning government debt and costing millions of workers their employer-provided health insurance. The employer mandate waiver will only accelerate the damage created by this law, giving employers an incentive to dump their employees onto government exchanges to prepare for the eventual cost of the mandate.
“Nobody believes a law the President himself can’t comply with will make healthcare better and more accessible for the rest of us. The doctor is not in, and there’s a good chance he may not come back so long as this law remains on the books. Nobody delays something because it is too good. Congress should stand firm and refuse to fund this law until it is repealed and we all get a permanent waiver from Obamacare ever seeing the light of day.”