IMPEACH BIDEN: There is no other way to describe what has just taken place in Kabul than utter incompetence. Other words being used are: Biden’s Saigon, Biden’s Bay of Pigs, Biden’s Kill List, arrogance, ignorance, political, etc.
There was bipartisan support to pull out of Afghanistan. America wanted our troops and allies home…alive. Trump cut a deal, but like virtually every other policy Trump implemented, Biden cancelled, changed and refuse to give credence to anything “Trump.” He ignored the specifics and used the Trump agreement as an excuse of being “forced” to act in this incompetent way. NOT the case! The arrogance, political gamesmanship, and childish behavior cost lives and armed one of our worst enemies.
President Biden keeps trying to muddle the issue by stressing he was getting America out of Afghanistan. Not many disagreed with that. The issue is…HOW he did it.
Instead of having the Department of Defense and most of his Administration focus on woke politics of the crazy left, he should have focused on the mission he shared with Trump and brought our troops, equipment, and allies home, safely.
I’m mad as hell, but not about what was being done…but HOW he did it!
The Taliban and all of the crazy terrorists they support now have some of America’s best military equipment, intelligence, and know-how to turn around and use it against us. This is EXACTLY what we were trying to avoid in the first place. And worse, Biden is negotiating with the Taliban and helping them establish themselves as a legitimate government after what they did over the last 20 years?!? The Taliban is the enemy who hates America…period.
I’m no fan of Vice President Kamala Harris. Her politics are far left, she comes from the looney progressive perspective on the policy front. But at least we won’t question her cognitive abilities and she’ll probably be willing to answer questions.
To put things in perspective, the Democrats impeached President Trump over a phone call of what could have been?!?
There is too much is at risk to allow unaccountable staff around President Biden to run this Administration. The Democrats who control the policies & Congress are completely out of touch, focused on woke politics instead of what is important. But, elections have consequences and until America elects leaders who will serve as a “check and balance” we will have to bravely traverse these dangerous times.
–Saul Anuzis
Click Here for Past Commentary from Saul
R.I.P. They gave the ultimate sacrifice so others could be free.
60 Plus Weekly Video Rewind
Biden wants to unleash a more powerful #DeathTax, Bernie’s budget puts spending in overdrive, and a heartfelt thank you to our Afghanistan veterans!
Links to the articles discussed in the video:

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Biden must go
Joe Biden is unfit to be President of the United States. It was obvious when he was running for office that he lacks the physical stamina and mental acuity for the job. It has become increasingly obvious since January that the part-time President has either hidden from the media or stumbled through the kind of scripted press conferences that Americans rightly used to deride as the hallmark of banana republics.
The handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan has exposed Biden’s incapacity. The painful truth is now undeniable. He must go — even if that means Kamala Harris, who has been similarly wrong about Afghanistan and much else besides, taking over…
…Biden, the King Lear of the Beltway, is the father of this failure. Not because for decades he has tacked back and forth with the foolish wisdom of the hour in Washington, and thus bears responsibility for the misconceived war for imperial democracy. Not because his appeal last November, to his party and the voters, was heavy on old-school Scrantonite paternalism. Not even because he put his hand up with a risible ‘buck stops here’ speech that lobbed the buck at everyone else. But because on the occasions when he hasn’t been dozing at the switch, Biden has made decisions that have chronically worsened the situation.
…It’s that simple. The buck really does stop with the President. The world has always seen Biden’s incapacity, and now the American people can see it too. He carries direct responsibility for a disaster so undeniable that even a partisan media can no longer deny it. He can neither speak truthfully nor accurately. Not so much the emperor with no clothes, as Lear’s fool on the heath, naked and shivering as the kingdom comes to the ‘great confusion’.
It’s not just Afghanistan — Americans are losing faith in Biden on many issues
President Joe Biden’s approval rating is at its lowest point in his presidency. In the average of polls, he stands at about 47%. That’s a steady decline from the beginning of this month (51%), last month (52%) and beginning of June (54%).
It would be easy to assign Biden’s decline to the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, but, as the data shows, Biden has been trending downward for a while. The truth is that he is losing ground on a number of key issues.
The coronavirus pandemic, for example, had been one of Biden’s best issues. He was trusted more than former President Donald Trump to handle it in poll after poll during last year’s election. Trump likely would have won in 2020 had people trusted him more.
Biden’s approval rating on the coronavirus had consistently been in the 60s for the first six months of his presidency. That declined to the high 50s in July and has been sunk to the 50s in the month of August.
Biden’s overall approval rating has declined at a similar rate to his coronavirus pandemic approval rating.
The problem for Biden is that people are reacting to what they see on the ground. Coronavirus cases and hospitalizations are the highest they’ve been since the beginning of the year, as the Delta variant has taken hold in the US. More people fear catching the coronavirus than they have since the beginning of the spring when vaccines became widely available. Most Americans think the worst of the virus is still ahead of us, which is a shift from earlier this year.
Afghanistan Nightmare Gets Worse
Our nightmarish exit from Afghanistan got worse on Thursday when a suicide attack at the Kabul airport killed 13 U.S. troops, as well as dozens of Afghan civilians.
It was the heaviest combat loss for the U.S. since the downing of a Chinook helicopter in Afghanistan a decade ago.
Prior to Thursday, we hadn’t lost anyone in combat in Afghanistan since February 2020.
The attack was awful, but not surprising given that President Biden had outsourced external security at the airport to the Taliban, and the chaos and the crowds — often waiting outside the gates for days — inevitably made for an inviting target.
The ISIS offshoot in Afghanistan and Pakistan, so-called ISIS-K, a truly heinous and remorseless group of killers, claimed responsibility. It and the Taliban have fought one another, but there have also been suggestions that Taliban forces have used ISIS-K as a cut-out for their own attacks. Nonetheless, the U.S. military says that there is no indication that the Taliban were complicit.
A sensible approach to the attack would be to make our presence in Kabul more muscular to provide for more security for our forces and for evacuees. We should retake Bagram Air Base or an equivalent facility that would be much easier to defend than Kabul airport and use it to provide air cover for our operations. We should explain to the Taliban that, given the disruption from the attack and given their obstruction of Afghan allies (and sometimes Americans) at the airport, we haven’t been able to evacuate everyone we need to and we are staying until we do. We should run missions to pick up Americans and legal residents, as well as SIVs. And, even if we can’t yet identify those directly responsible for the Thursday attack, we should target ISIS-K leaders.
Leave No American Behind
President Nixon warned against the United States acting like “a pitiful, helpless giant,” but he wouldn’t have been able to fathom events in Kabul.
The Taliban have said that they’re going to hold President Biden to his deadline to withdraw all U.S. troops by August 31, and, after intensive deliberations that delayed his public statement on Tuesday by hours, Biden said he has every intention to leave by the date the Taliban are insisting upon, even though members of Congress and foreign allies are urging him to push past it.
Biden noted that he’s asked the military to come up with contingency plans to stay beyond August 31, but this may only be a fig leaf.
The administration hopes to — and says it can — evacuate all Americans from the country by next Tuesday. There is serious doubt about this, though. Even with the pace of evacuations picking up impressively in recent days (19,000 people flown out over the last 24 hours, with another 10,000 now waiting at the airport), it’s not clear that it’s fast enough to get all Americans out. The White House estimated last week there were 11,000 Americans in Afghanistan and now says 4,400 have been evacuated.
The situation with our Afghan allies appears even worse. Reports suggest that translators and the like have had the most trouble getting through to the airport, and we have not been getting out the Afghans to whom we should be most committed.
There is no doubt that Biden’s ill-conceived and poorly executed withdrawal gave the Taliban the whip hand — literally and figuratively — in Kabul.
U.S. officials provided Taliban with names of Americans, Afghan allies to evacuate
The White House contends that limited information sharing with the Taliban is saving lives; critics argue it’s putting Afghan allies in harm’s way.
U.S. officials in Kabul gave the Taliban a list of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies to grant entry into the militant-controlled outer perimeter of the city’s airport, a choice that’s prompted outrage behind the scenes from lawmakers and military officials.
The move, detailed to POLITICO by three U.S. and congressional officials, was designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan as chaos erupted in Afghanistan’s capital city last week after the Taliban seized control of the country. It also came as the Biden administration has been relying on the Taliban for security outside the airport.
Since the fall of Kabul in mid-August, nearly 100,000 people have been evacuated, most of whom had to pass through the Taliban’s many checkpoints. But the decision to provide specific names to the Taliban, which has a history of brutally murdering Afghans who collaborated with the U.S. and other coalition forces during the conflict, has angered lawmakers and military officials.
“Basically, they just put all those Afghans on a kill list,” said one defense official, who like others spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive topic. “It’s just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean.”
‘I demand accountability’: Marine battalion commander calls out senior leaders for Afghanistan failures
A Marine officer who filmed a viral video says that he’s risking his career of nearly two decades to call out senior military and civilian leaders for failures in Afghanistan.
Lt. Col. Stu Scheller posted the video on social media hours after a blast in Kabul killed 13 U.S. troops. He appears in uniform and responds directly to Marine Corps Commandant Gen. David Berger’s letter to troops and veterans asking whether the nearly 20-year-long war in Afghanistan was worth it.
“The reason people are so upset on social media right now is not because the Marine on the battlefield let someone down,” Scheller says. “People are upset because their senior leaders let them down. And none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability or saying, ‘We messed this up.’ ”
The video garnered more than 70,000 views and 6,000 shares in its first 10 hours on Facebook and LinkedIn, spurring both praise and criticism in the more than 1,000 comments.
It’s the latest in a spate of calls from veterans and others demanding that senior officials answer for mistakes over the course of the war, especially in its final months. Some have blamed the precipitous U.S. withdrawal for undermining the Afghan government and allowing the Taliban to seize the country.
Biden’s credibility crisis spreads far past Afghanistan
President Joe Biden hopes people will soon forget the unfolding disaster he created in Afghanistan so he can turn back to issues such as COVID, the economy, and climate change. But he and his White House don’t realize just how damaging Afghanistan has been to the president’s credibility, undermining his ability to govern on every other issue.
The fundamental problem for Biden is that his claims about the situation in Afghanistan are clearly untrue, indeed, frankly incredible.
On Friday, Biden claimed during a White House press conference that al Qaeda had been completely driven out of Afghanistan. Hours later, Defense Department press secretary John Kirby could do nothing but admit that this was false. Al Qaeda is not only operating throughout Afghanistan, but according to a Pentagon inspector general report released earlier in the week, the Taliban continue to maintain their “relationship with Al Qaeda, providing safe haven for the terrorist group in Afghanistan.”
Biden also claimed during that same press conference that there was “no indication” that Americans stuck in Kabul “haven’t been able to get” to the airport. The press conference hadn’t been over for more than half an hour before CNN’s Clarrisa Ward made clear the exact opposite. “It is extremely difficult, and it is dangerous,” she reported on American efforts to reach the airport in Kabul.
Biden even claimed that he had “seen no question of our credibility from our allies around the world.” Either Biden is forgetting what he reads or else his briefers left out the leader of Germany’s conservative party calling Biden’s handling of Afghanistan “the greatest debacle that NATO has seen.” Biden also must have missed British Member of Parliament Tom Tugendhat saying it was “the biggest foreign policy disaster since Suez.”
The average American doesn’t know who Tom Tugendhat is, but he does know our allies are not happy with Biden’s handling of Afghanistan. And anyone can see on television that the situation is much more chaotic and violent than Biden promised it would be just a month ago.
Quantifying The “Staggering Costs” Of US Military Equipment Left Behind In Afghanistan
The U.S. provided an estimated $83 billion worth of training and equipment to Afghan security forces since 2001. This year, alone, the U.S. military aid to Afghan forces was $3 billion.
Putting price tags on American military equipment still in Afghanistan isn’t an easy task. In the fog of war – or withdrawal – Afghanistan has always been a black box with little sunshine.
Not helping transparency, the Biden Administration is now hiding key audits on Afghan military equipment. This week, our auditors at reposted two key reports on the U.S. war chest of military gear in Afghanistan that had disappeared from federal websites.
#1. Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of U.S. provided military gear in Afghanistan (August 2017): reposted report (dead link: report).
#2. Special Inspector General For Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) audit of $174 million in lost ScanEagle drones (July 2020): reposted report (dead link: report).
U.S. taxpayers paid for these audits and the U.S.-provided equipment and should be able to follow the money.
Biden Subcontracts U.S. Security to Terrorists. The disastrous U.S.–Taliban “partnership” begins with a massacre.
Even as suicide bombers attacked the Kabul airport on August 26 — killing, at this writing, at least 13 U.S. servicemen and scores of civilians — visitors to the Al Jazeera website could read an interview with Khalil Ur-Rahman Haqqani, the Taliban official and U.S.-designated terrorist who is responsible for security in the Afghan capital. “If we can defeat superpowers, surely we can provide safety to the Afghan people,” said Haqqani, whose guards brandish the helmets, night-vision goggles, small arms, and camouflage the Americans left behind. “All of those people who left this country, we will assure them of their safety,” Haqqani went on. “You’re all welcome back in Afghanistan.”
He’s lying, of course. Lying is what terrorists do. Haqqani’s forces can’t protect the Afghan people from ISIS, or, apparently, from the Taliban itself. The Islamic militia is executing civilians and former members of the Afghan National Army, according to the United Nations. And Haqqani’s colleague, spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid, warned Afghan women and girls the other day that they should avoid the outdoors and public spaces, since Taliban soldiers “have not been yet trained very well.” And “we don’t want our forces, God forbid, to harm or harass women.”
Just to subjugate them.
The massacre at Hamid Karzai airport was the consequence of President Biden’s decision to rely on the Taliban for security. Despite the lunacy of taking the Taliban at their word, the Biden administration sounded in recent days as if Haqqani, Mujahid, and the rest of their deranged crew were U.S. partners. Not only did Biden’s botched withdrawal result in America’s departure from Central Asia, Taliban rule in Afghanistan, a catastrophe for democracy and human rights, and a propaganda boon for the global jihadist-Salafist movement. It guaranteed our dependence on a gang of medieval holy warriors whose loyalty to al-Qaeda is the reason the United States invaded Afghanistan in the first place. This historical irony is strategically dubious and morally debased. The loss of life in Kabul is a taste of what’s to come.
Biden keeps creating horrendous crises that could have easily been avoided. What’s next?
Presidents are supposed to solve problems, not create them. But for the past seven months, Joe Biden – along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer – has been specializing in one thing: creating crises that could have been easily avoided.
On issue after issue, these radical leftists are making horrendous decisions that are putting America on a collision course with her breaking point.
Their behavior is irresponsible, arrogant and astonishingly tone deaf – the unholy trinity that describes today’s left-wing Democratic Party.
The most recent crisis – and arguably the most dangerous – is the unfolding catastrophe Biden caused singlehandedly in Afghanistan with his politically inspired decision to withdrawal.
In his never-ending rush to appease his socialist base, Biden allowed the murderous Taliban to take over Afghanistan, put thousands of American lives at risk, embarrass our great country, and make us far less secure and respected as a nation.
Chinese Communist Party’s COVID-19 pandemic is America’s new 9/11
China is responsible for more than 600,000 U.S. deaths.
For nearly the past twenty years, Americans have kept vigilant against a horrific attack like the one that happened on September 11th, 2001. But is it possible we’ve actually experienced a much more devastating assault and not yet acknowledged it?
In the intelligence world, an “assessment” is a term of art used to describe a conclusion based on existing information. As a former chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee, it’s my assessment that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) intentionally facilitated the spread of the COVID-19 virus globally to achieve its geopolitical ambitions. The COVID-19 virus didn’t simply “escape” China. The Party weaponized it.
This is a bold claim, so let’s first review what we know for certain. At a minimum, the CCP is culpable in making a bad situation worse. We know the SARS-CoV-2 virus – the virus that produces COVID-19 – originated in China. But instead of alerting the world and working with the international community to mitigate the outbreak, the CCP engaged in a systematic disinformation and cover-up campaign unprecedented in recent memory. It deliberately destroyed early virus samples and disappeared doctors and journalists who warned against the spread. The CCP avoided the transparency that could have saved lives.
Drug Price “Negotiations” Are a Danger to America’s Seniors (Op-Ed by Saul)
Senate Democrats just passed a budget plan that would give federal bureaucrats the ability to “negotiate” drug prices directly with manufacturers.
To the uninitiated, that sounds attractive. After all, who wouldn’t want to pay less for medicines?
But in reality, the negotiations aren’t going to lead to lower prices at the pharmacy. They’re going to instead mean less access to lifesaving medicines today and fewer new medicines tomorrow. And any savings that do result from this new policy are going to accrue to the government for unrelated programs.
The word “negotiation” is a euphemism, of course. When Big Government bigfoots its way into a market to tell a private business what it can charge for its products, that’s price control.
The lawmakers touting negotiations hope to achieve their goal by repealing the “non-interference” clause that’s embedded in the law governing Medicare’s drug benefit. This language bars the Secretary of Health and Human Services from interfering in the private price negotiations for Medicare Part D plans. The rule has served America well, keeping government at bay for the 18 years (and counting) of Part D’s existence.
Part D plans are currently administered by private insurers that already extract steep discounts and rebates from drug manufacturers.