Urge the Southern Nevada Health District to approve adequate trauma care

As an organization that advocates for free-market solutions to senior issues, we believe our health care system serves seniors best when the free market is allowed to work — increasing choice and access that drive down costs. Trauma care is no different.

Increasing local access to trauma care for those in life and death situations should be a common goal for our public policy makers.   However, opposition to the recent Clark County trauma applications by the Regional Trauma Advisory Board not only ignores the reality of the state’s population growth, but protects taxpayer subsidized hospitals that want to prevent competition in the marketplace.

Urge the Southern Nevada Health District to work towards solutions to ensure that all Clark county residents and our visitors have access to the highest quality trauma care services by approving the applications for two new Level III trauma centers.  Fill out the form below to send a message to the Health District board members.

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