Historic trade agreement will lower prices, “from groceries to cars and trucks”
60 Plus Association, and American Association of Senior Citizens Founder and Chairman James Martin today issued the following statement on the signing of the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA):
“When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination, he came onto the scene promising to improve America’s trade agreements. On Wednesday, President Trump kept yet another campaign promise by signing the USMCA.
The USMCA means seniors on fixed incomes will see their grocery dollars go farther by lowering the price of the food they buy every day. Family farmers and ranchers appreciate the USMCA because it means they’ll get a fairer deal in selling their crops and livestock, ensuring that family farms can stay within families.
Mexico and Canada are our biggest trading partners so the benefits of USMCA will be seen, over time, across many different consumer sectors – everything from groceries to cars and trucks – meaning seniors will have a more breathing room in balancing their household budget.
In the face of impeachment and unrelenting partisan attacks, President Trump gets up every day and works for the American people. He continues demonstrating that he means what he says and says what he means. His record of promises made and promises kept proves his desire to serve to all Americans.”