Why Americans Are Frustrated with Biden: I have some friends asking what happened? He was supposed to be a moderate. It was going to be different. He would bring us all together.
We had all hoped…and then it started.
- Open Borders than many equate to an invasion on our southern border
- Disastrous retreat from Afghanistan that cost American lives
- Crash & Grab thefts encouraged by left wing prosecutors
- Riots that burned our cities for political gain
- Vaccination mandates rather than convincing the country of our ills
- Liberals allowing illegal immigrants to vote in New York, the beginning of the end
- Fentanyl crisis as China floods our southern border with this killer drug
- Empty store shelves as Biden panders to labor unions
- Russia & China challenging America around the world (because they can)
- Massive federal spending and borrowing driving inflation
- Inflation, a tax on EVERY American – higher prices every week at the pump and grocery store
- Too many people being paid not to work, encouraging a welfare society
These are just some of the policies supported and implemented by Biden’s progressive left-wing Democrats…that he has all but surrendered to.
Where are the moderates in the House? 5, just 5 out of 222 House Democrats could force compromise and consensus governing. Instead, they ALL blindly vote with Speaker Pelosi and her merry gang of liberals?
So many Democrats who ran for office promised to be “independents” or “moderates” ….I hope voters hold them accountable.
Ask your Democratic Congressmen, where are the moderates?
Russia’s False Crisis: To distract from the horrible living conditions throughout Russia, Putin and his political elite are constantly creating a false crisis. They “claim” and apparently have managed to convince many within Russia that NATO and/or the U.S. are interested in attacking Russia?
Has anyone as why? Why would anyone want to do that?
Countries bordering Russia have historical and current examples of bullying and occupation to fear Russia. Even today, Russia is illegally occupying and threatening peaceful neighbors in the name of “security.”
No one, I repeat, NO one is interested in attacking, occupying, or even threatening Russia. Think of the prosperity putting aside this false narrative and living in peace could bring?
Maybe someday…just maybe.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!: As we come into Christmas week, please remember Jesus is the reason for the season.
I’ll be taking a short break from our regular Sunday emails and plan on being back January 9th.
In the meantime, I’ll share my Christmas greeting with you all one more time was I wish you a very Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season.
–Saul Anuzis
60 Plus Weekly Video Rewind
In this week’s video rewind- Joe Biden’s Build Back Better legislation hits a snag with Joe Manchin, the Wall Street Journal informs us of the real cost of the BBB, and Psaki calls “fake news” on the Congressional Budget Office!
Links to the articles discussed in the video:

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Joe Biden Flying Illegal Aliens, Deported by Trump, Back to U.S.
President Joe Biden’s administration is flying illegal aliens, previously deported by former President Donald Trump’s administration, back to the United States.
This week, National Public Radio (NPR) reported that two previously deported illegal aliens, Claudio Rojas of Argentina and Jean Montrevil of Haiti, have since been brought back to the U.S. after they claimed that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency retaliated against them for their open borders advocacy.
Before his 2019 deportation, Rojas had lived as an illegal alien for 19 years while Montrevil was deported in 2018 following more than a decade in the U.S.
Attorneys for the illegal aliens are now demanding that both be given amnesty as reparations for being deported from the U.S. by the Trump administration.
Democrats Say the Darnedest Things When It Comes to Crime
Anybody with a passing familiarity with what’s going on in this country knows that crime is out of control in our cities. Large cities, many of which are in the hands of Democrats, are seeing crime rates skyrocket.
At least a dozen U.S. cities have broken homicide records. Philadelphia is one of them, and that city’s previous homicide record stood for 31 years. Like so many other Democrat mayors of big cities, Philly’s Mayor Jim Kenney doesn’t seem to make the connection between his party’s policies and the spiraling crime in his city.
“It’s terrible to every morning get up and have to go look at the numbers and then look at the news and see the stories,” Kenney said. “It’s just crazy. It’s just crazy, and this needs to stop.”
Was he referring to the crime itself as what “needs to stop,” or is he frustrated by the media coverage? Either way, it’s not going to stop of its own free will. The media coverage will stop when crime dies down, but that’s not going to happen as long as Democrats follow policies that are designed to go soft on criminals. Mayor Kenney, have you met your District Attorney, Larry Krasner?
Krasner is a dolt who thinks everything is just fine in Philadelphia, thank you very much. Last week, my PJ Media colleague Rick Moran pointed out something Krasner said that’s just wild:
Most Black Voters Support Gop-led Election Integrity Efforts, Despite Left’s Cries Of Racism
A majority of black voters support Republican-led efforts to tighten election security, according to a recent nationwide poll conducted by Rasmussen, including 2020 election audits, scaled back mail-in voting, and photo ID requirements to cast a ballot.
Overall, 53 percent of black voters surveyed support 2020 election audit efforts in decisive swing states Joe Biden allegedly defeated President Donald Trump in razor-thin margins. This number is roughly equal to the share of overall voters who support election audits which is 55 percent.
Similarly, 63 percent of black respondents believe opponents of photo ID requirements would like to make election fraud easier, which is slightly above the 60 percent of overall voters who believed similarly.
An even higher percentage of black voters support the requirement to show a photo ID to cast a ballot, 73 percent, which is just two percentage points below the overall 75 percent of respondents who support this measure.
Mail-in ballots, which were the source of fraud allegations in the 2020 election, polled very unfavorably in the Rasmussen poll. 66 percent of voters, across the political spectrum, agreed expanded use of the system would lead to more cheating in elections.
Despite fierce Democrat opposition in states like Texas and Georgia, which have enacted election integrity legislation following the controversial 2020 election, 90 percent of all voters believe it is important to prevent cheating in elections, which polls roughly commensurate with the 87 percent of black voters who share this view.
Federal Debt Equals About $287,859 Per Income-Tax-Paying Household
As Congress worked in recent days to increase the legal limit on the federal debt, the Treasury kept that debt artificially frozen at approximately $28.9 trillion, where it stood at the beginning of this week.
With that limit lifted, the federal debt will take a jump upward, then keep steadily climbing, constantly increasing the burden on future taxpayers.
In 2018, according to the last complete annual report on individual income tax returns published by the Internal Revenue Service, there were 100,424,240 households in the United States that filed what the IRS calls a “taxable return.” “The taxable and nontaxable classification of a return for this report is determined by the presence of ‘total income tax,'” explained the IRS.
“‘Total income tax,'” it said, “was the sum of income tax after credits.”
In other words, the 100,424,240 households that filed a “taxable return” in 2018 actually paid income taxes to the federal government.
If you divide the $28,908,004,857,445 in debt that the federal government owed before the debt limit was lifted by the 100,424,240 American households that paid net income taxes in 2018, it works out to approximately $287,859 per income-tax-paying household.
Nancy Pelosi Owns January 6
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached President Donald Trump in January for her own negligence.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi impeached President Donald Trump in January for her own negligence. As demonstrators flocked to the nation’s capital for a day of protest — some peaceful, some not — the ignored possibility of unrest chalked up to an intelligence failure was even predicted by the Capitol Hill parking attendants.
“Due to the possibility of large scale public protests, access to the Capitol plaza will be restricted,” read an email from the House Parking Team on the eve of the riot. “For the safety and security of personnel on the House campus, we ask that staff strongly consider parking in the Cannon and Longworth House Underground Garages.”
But Pelosi and her team in charge of Capitol security had no idea to prepare for the possibility of turmoil? Worse, reporting shows the speaker’s office deliberately left the Capitol vulnerable.
Four days after the riot, former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who resigned his post in the aftermath, told The Washington Post his request for pre-emptive reinforcement from the National Guard ahead of Jan. 6 was turned down. Sund said House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving, overseen by Pelosi, thought the guard’s deployment was bad “optics” two days before the raid. Pelosi and House Democrats had previously condemned the presence of federal troops in the nation’s capital to quell the violent mobs overrunning the city in the name of social justice.
In February, The Daily Caller cited three sources familiar with Irvin’s conversations with the House Administration Committee after the riot. The sergeant of arms said discussions with the speaker’s staff were factors in his “blender of decision making.” The Caller’s sources remained anonymous, “citing the fear of putting a chill on further witnesses to how the security situation unfolded Jan. 6.”
“Pelosi’s office had previously impressed upon Irving that the National Guard was to remain off Capitol Grounds, Irving allegedly told House Admin,” The Daily Caller reported.
Forget Kamala Harris’ likability, she’s can’t even do her job
The conversation around Vice President Kamala Harris has always been how she is viewed.
This week, Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki “Is Vice President [Kamala] Harris still in charge of addressing the root causes of migration from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala?”
It wasn’t a trick question and yet the answer was clearly complicated. Harris has largely been out of the spotlight on the issue since being handed over the reins in March of 2021.
Psaki responded that yes, Harris was still in charge. The problem was that a few days earlier Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei had told Fox News that neither Harris nor anyone from the Joe Biden White House has been in contact with him since June. If Harris is in charge, the buck should stop with her.
The conversation around Vice President Kamala Harris has always been how she is viewed. Joe Biden said he would nominate a woman and that’s exactly what he did. Whether she was the right woman for the role remains questionable.
It’s true that Harris is not particularly popular with Americans. Her approval ratings are regularly under 30 percent.
With all the focus on whether Harris is likeable, not enough attention gets paid to the fact that she’s generally just not competent enough in the roles being assigned to her.
The Democrats Play Dumb About Crime
They will blame everything for it but their own policies.
According to the Biden administration, crime is spiking in big cities due to “COVID.” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot offers an even more brazen explanation for the rise of crime: the negligence of businesses. “We still have retailers that won’t institute plans like having security officers in their stores, making sure that they’ve got cameras that are actually operational, locking up their merchandise at night, chaining high-end bags. These purses can be something that is attracting a lot of organized retail theft units,” she has said.
In analyzing crime, Democrats carefully exclude from consideration one of the most obvious causes of it: their own soft-on-crime policies. A crime spree under Democrats is no more surprising than a surge at the border under them. Both criminals and illegal immigrants can interpret the party’s inviting signals.
On crime, the Democrats have sounded the most uncertain of trumpets, communicating at best ambivalence about fighting it. Criminals correctly see a lack of resolve in the party’s defund-the-police chatter, its drive to weaken the criminal justice system in the name of “equity,” and its woke propaganda that empowers criminals at the expense of cops.
Number of US adults who identify as Christian drops 12% in 10 years
The religious identity of the United States is changing, with the number of U.S. adults who identify as Christian dropping 12 points in 10 years, according to a new study.
Data compiled by the Pew Research Center and published on Tuesday show that 63% of adults self-identify as Christian, including Protestants, Catholics, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Orthodox Christians. That number is down from 75% in 2011.
According to the study, 1 in 5 adults now say their religion is “nothing in particular,” marking a 14% increase over the last decade.
The poll also suggests diminishing importance on the role religion plays in the lives of those who were polled. The report noted that the number of adults who say they pray on a daily basis has been trending downward, with only 45% acknowledging they do so in comparison to 58% in 2007.
The results come from the Pew’s annual National Public Opinion Reference Survey . The survey sampled 3,937 people between May and August and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.1 percentage points based on a 95% level of confidence.
General: US at ‘1 or 2%’ of capability it previously had to track al Qaeda in Afghanistan
It is ‘very hard’ to ensure al Qaeda doesn’t pose a threat to the United States.
The al Qaeda extremist group has grown slightly inside Afghanistan since U.S. forces left in late August, and the country’s new Taliban leaders are divided over whether to fulfill their 2020 pledge to break ties with the group, the top U.S. commander in the region said Thursday.
Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, said in an interview with The Associated Press that the departure of U.S. military and intelligence assets from Afghanistan has made it much harder to track al Qaeda and other extremist groups inside Afghanistan.
“We’re probably at about 1 or 2% of the capabilities we once had to look into Afghanistan,” he said, adding that this makes it “very hard, not impossible” to ensure that neither al Qaeda nor the Islamic State group’s Afghanistan affiliate can pose a threat to the United States.
Speaking at the Pentagon, McKenzie said it’s clear that al Qaeda is attempting to rebuild its presence inside Afghanistan, which was the base from which it planned the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks against the United States. He said some militants are coming into the country through its porous borders, but it is hard for the U.S. to track numbers.
The U.S. invasion that followed the Sept. 11 attacks led to a 20-year war that succeeded initially by removing the Taliban from power but ultimately failed. After President Joe Biden announced in April that he was withdrawing completely from Afghanistan, the Taliban systematically overpowered Afghan government defenses and seized Kabul, the capital, in August.
Russia demands NATO roll back from East Europe and stay out of Ukraine
Russia said on Friday it wanted a legally binding guarantee that NATO would give up any military activity in Eastern Europe and Ukraine, part of a wish list of security guarantees it wants to negotiate with the West.
Moscow for the first time laid out in detail demands that it says are essential for lowering tensions in Europe and defusing a crisis over Ukraine, which Western countries have accused Russia of sizing up for a potential invasion after building up troops near the border. Russia has denied planning an invasion.
The demands contain elements – such as an effective Russian veto on future NATO membership for Ukraine – that the West has already ruled out.
Others would imply the removal of U.S. nuclear weapons from Europe and the withdrawal of multinational NATO battalions from Poland and from the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania that were once in the Soviet Union.