“With your help we will take back the House. We will win the Senate. And then a Republican President will make a triumphant return to the White House.” – President Donald J. Trump
“We are not starting new parties,” he said. “We have the Republican Party. It is going to unite and be stronger than ever before.” – President Donald J. Trump
Democrats Exposed – Controlled by the Progressive Left: This is NOT your parent’s Democratic party. The crazy far left progressives are running and pushing their agenda.
A blatant political “election reform” bill (HR.1) is packed with every Democratic partisan perceived benefit in an attempt to secure their position in the swamp. They wrapped it up in a pretty bow arguing its protecting and encouraging voting…they just left out the part about LEGAL voting! You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still just a pig!
Then they jammed through the “stimulus” bill full of special interest “favors”, pay backs for Democratic constituencies, and bail outs for poorly run Democratic states…forcing tax payers to borrow TRILLIONS for their pork filled scam.
And finally, the Dr. Suess & Mr. Potato Head controversy pushed much of America over the edge as the absurdity of the liberal progressive “woke” and “cancel” culture overplayed their hand. All those suburban moms that expected a “normal” Democratic party are waking up to something no one could have imagined.
What…Berenstain Bears are next?!? I say we Make Dr. Suess Great Again!
COVID Pork Filled Stimulus Bill: Only 9% was designated for direct COVID relief. Much of the spending (pork for special interests) is scheduled to be spent in 2022 and 2023?!? The Democrats were so upset about the American people or the Senate reading this bill you’d think it was written by Dr. Seuss.
HR. 1: The Democrats blatantly partisan bill to help them get re-elected, and arguably in some cases making it easier to cheat, should more appropriately be named “Keep the Swamp Act.” Democrats should be ashamed of themselves and voters shouldn’t let them get away with it.
I’m a bit surprised they didn’t just try to ban the Republican Party and any other opposition. It seems like going after Dr. Suess just isn’t enough for the liberal progressive crowd running the Democratic Party. It’s definitely not my parent’s Democratic party.
Some of the provisions include:
· Ends state voter ID requirements
· Legalizes ballot harvesting nationwide
· Allows the DOJ to demand removal of social media posts
· Automatic voter registration for 16-year-olds
Balance Budget Amendment: With Congress and the White House in the hands of progressive liberals, now more than ever we have to complete the effort to call for an Article 5 Constitutional Convention to pass a Balance Budget Amendment.
Join the effort at with the BBA Task Force which explains: The U.S. national debt ($28 trillion) is now 7 times federal revenue ($3.4 trillion), a serious imbalance that will cost us over $600 billion (16.5% of federal revenue) in 2020. We’ve already seen a $1 trillion spike in the 2020 deficit in just the last month as the Corona-virus stimulus starts to add up. It is hard to calculate where we will be at the end of the year, but the one thing we can say for certain is that it will be on for the record books.
The root cause of the problem was best explained by the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee when it concluded, “the many statutory constraints enacted over the years to control spending failed because no Congress can bind a succeeding Congress by simple statute.” Therefore, only a balanced budget amendment (BBA) will do. Given Congress’ 75-year failure to propose a BBA, the states must do so by calling an Article V convention.
Join this fight to get a Balance Budget Amendment and it will be much less important as to what political party controls Congress.
–Saul Anuzis
Amazon will help US if you say yes: At NO cost to you, you can help the 60 Plus Foundation in its efforts to support conservative policies to protect senior citizens, get rid of the death tax and defend social security and Medicare using sound fiscal policies.
Sign up…and Amazon will donate 0.5% of what you spend to the Foundation! Please help us out by signing up here…at NO cost to you!
60 Plus Weekly Video Rewind
Tanden’s tweets sink her nomination, Sasse comes out swinging against Becerra, and Amazon’s new logo gets compared to… Hitler?
Links to the articles discussed in the video:
Biden Administration Creates Border Crisis, Denies Its Existence
The Biden administration insists there’s no crisis at the southern border. New DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas responded with “the answer is no,” when asked that very question, instead calling it a “challenge.” This is denial, the Washington Examiner’s Byron York explained this week. “Prospective illegal border crossers got the message — Come to the United States and you can stay. And now, under President Biden, they are not waiting for the new administration to set up ‘guardrails’ to handle them. They are coming right now.” Mayorkas delivered this message to potential asylum-seekers, whose claims are both legitimate and bogus: “We are not saying, ‘don’t come,’ We are saying, ‘don’t come now,’ because we will be able to deliver a safe and orderly process.” As we’ve been saying, rhetoric, incentives, and policies matter. And people wishing to enter our country illegally are receiving a message loud and clear.
We highlighted migrants celebrating and chanting Joe Biden’s name when he won the election, and we’ve noted that illegal border crossings have surged dramatically since November, which was not a random month. In a February report, the Los Angeles Times showcased other examples of illegal immigrants citing Democrats taking power and related amnesty rumors as reasons that they decided to come to America now:
37 Things to Know About H.R. 1, ‘For the People Act’
House Democrats passed H.R. 1, the so-called “For the People Act,” on Wednesday. The bill would radically change American democracy, nationalizing elections and making permanent changes to voting rules that would virtually ensure Democrats never lose another election.
The bill is 791 pages long — a massive piece of legislation, adopted with little examination or debate. Some provisions — like expanding access for voters with disabilities, improving election security, and ensuring that all voting machines use in U.S. elections are also manufactured in the U.S. — are uncontroversial. Others are potentially explosive.
Here are 35 key points:
‘Diminish voter confidence’: Alarm over voting machines using wireless technology dismissed
A federal elections panel recently adopted new voting equipment standards despite an outcry from cybersecurity professionals who warned that the changes will leave America’s digitized ballot boxes more vulnerable to hacks.
The new standards from the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, which lawmakers also protested, did not prohibit embedding wireless communications hardware into voting machines as long as it is turned off.
The prospect of a flip of a switch opening wireless access to the ballot box exacerbates widespread fears that the U.S. voting system is not safe or reliable.
Two dozen cybersecurity, computer science and election integrity professionals organized by the nonprofit Free Speech for People wrote to the commission to warn that the public’s faith in voting would crater further if the commission allows the wireless technology, such as wireless radios, chips and modems, which are more capable of connecting to the internet.
“Public concerns about the security of our election infrastructure are higher than ever before. It is crucial that our election systems be secure and that our citizens trust that election systems are secure,” the cybersecurity professionals wrote to the commission. “Permitting the inclusion of wireless radios will both increase the vulnerabilities of the voting system and diminish voter confidence in the security of our election systems. Neither is acceptable.”
Woke Excess Causes Minority Voters To Flee the Democratic Party
While the Democratic Party pulled off a complete (albeit narrow) victory over Donald Trump and the Republican Party in 2020, they lost ground with nonwhite voters—despite significantly raising the salience of racial justice issues during the campaign.
According to progressive pollster David Shor, it’s time to face the facts: The cultural views of very highly-educated, very left-leaning white people are toxic for many nonwhite voters who would otherwise support the Democratic Party.
“I don’t think a lot of people expected Donald Trump’s GOP to have a much more diverse support base than Mitt Romney’s did in 2012,” Shor told New York magazine in a recent interview. “But that’s what happened.”
Shor pointed to two specific associations—socialism and the “defund the police” movement—that appear to have tarnished the Democratic Party in the eyes of minority voters. The former is an unsurprising finding, and something I’ve written on previously: Socialism is generally not popular with Hispanic voters, who associate it with the kind of political oppression experienced by people in Venezuela and Cuba.
But the latter is also noteworthy, given that “defund the police” is a mantra recited by progressive activists who purport to represent the wishes of racial minorities. These activists claim, for instance, that the role of police in society is to defend or legitimize America’s white supremacist culture. In other words, activists want to defund the police because they think doing so is a necessary component of antiracist organizing.
The trouble is that many racial minorities don’t actually share that view.
Poll: Two-Thirds Of Americans Think Corporate Wokeness Has Gone Too Far
Results from a national poll released Friday found 65 percent of Americans think corporate America is “taking political correctness too far.”
The study surveyed 1,098 adults about their thoughts on a range of high-profile actions corporations have taken recently to appease left-wing activists, including Hasbro dropping the “Mr.” from its Mr. Potato Head toy, Disney closing down popular rides at its theme parks that activists claimed were “racist,” and Lucasfilm’s firing of actress Gina Carano. On Thursday, eBay began banning the sales of Dr. Seuss books.
The study was conducted by Survey Monkey and Public Opinion Strategies and commissioned by The Daily Wire between Feb. 26 and March 3, following a storm of recent cancel mob moves, such as Disney placing warning labels on “The Muppets.”
Nearly 80 percent of respondents believe toymaker Hasbro’s changing “Mr. Potato Head” to “Potato Head” is “silly.”
Last Exit to Mulberry Street
When I sit down to read a book,
Some idjit says to me,
“Oppressor, check your privilege —
We’ll decide what you can see!”
And if I dare to contravene
Or decline to heed his quarantine,
Some philistine on Twitter sternly says,
“That literature’s obscene!
“You must do as we dictate,
“And we shall de-platform that hate!”
Now, what can I say
About the news today?
Under pressure from the mob
A gaggle of millionaires
— Dr. Seuss’s own literary heirs! —
Are nixing six books — they are pressing “Delete.”
And we’ll never again stroll down Mulberry Street.
That’s nothing new to us:
Just go ask Mark Twain
How the story of Huck Finn
Got flushed down the drain.
“Art should break rules!”
So they used to say.
But the fools’ new command
Is that art must obey.
Conformism’s victory is almost complete
So you’ll never again visit Mulberry Street.
Against Canceling Dr. Seuss
A beloved American author is targeted by the book-banners, epitomizing all that’s wrong with cancel culture.
Cancel culture has many faces. Few reveal the ugliness of the impulse more clearly than banning books. This time, the target of the book-banners is perhaps the most beloved American author of all: Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. The culprits include Seuss’s own heirs, the Biden administration, and the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center. Everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves.
How the Grinch Stole Mulberry Street
According to a statement by Dr. Seuss Enterprises:
Dr. Seuss Enterprises, working with a panel of experts, including educators, reviewed our catalog of titles and made the decision last year to cease publication
Trumpism without Trump?
Party insiders may dream of it, but most GOP voters continue to approve of 45.
Six weeks ago, Americans were assured that Donald Trump had left the presidency disgraced and forever ruined politically.
Trump was the first president to be impeached twice, and the first to be tried as a private citizen when out of office. He was the first to be impeached without the chief justice of the United States presiding over his trial.
His nonstop complaining about a stolen “landslide” election was blamed by many as a distraction that led to the loss of two Republican Senate seats from Georgia. The current Democratic-majority Congress was the result.
Mike Pence bides time as Trump makes triumphant political return (Saul Quoted in Article)
As former President Donald Trump teased his political comeback to conservatives this weekend, his one-time wingman, ex-Vice President Mike Pence, was nowhere to be found.
While Mr. Trump was accepting the adulation of attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference, his speech lacked any mention of Mr. Pence.
Mr. Pence didn’t attend the gathering, reportedly declining an invitation to speak. And activists didn’t seem to miss him very much, relegating him to a 1% showing in The Washington Times-CPAC’s straw poll test of potential 2024 presidential candidates.
A month after the vice president left office, CPAC suggests there is, at best, a ho-hum feeling about Mr. Pence’s future in GOP politics.
“There was no point for him to show up — he would have got booed,” said a former Trump 2020 adviser.
Saul Anuzis, president of the 60 Plus Association and former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, said it would have been “way too early” for Mr. Pence to reemerge at CPAC.
“This is still Trump’s movement,” Mr. Anuzis said. “I think Pence is playing his cards right, laying low while some of the controversy around him settles down.”
Vote the Corporate Bums Out
After being disappeared, the social media platform Parler found its way back to the Internet two weeks ago. It was an arduous journey that shows how widespread the left’s desire is to cancel conservative organizations, people, speech, and ideas.
In early January, Apple, Google, and Amazon teamed up to kick Parler, a social media company favored by conservatives, off the Internet. There one day and gone the next, Parler was declared unfit by these corporate oligarchs simply because it allowed conservatives to freely communicate. These tech giants disappeared Parler with the stroke of a key. Full stop.
Conservatives are rightly furious at these corporate censors. But I have to ask: What are conservative leaders doing about it?
Conservatives are also justifiably furious at Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter for banning all manner of conservative speech, including deleting former President Trump’s accounts.
But again, what are conservative leaders doing about it?
Some right-wing state leaders are threatening to divest state pension funds from these Orwellian businesses. That’s the last thing they should do.
The Groups and Persons Mentioned in Time’s “Shadow Campaign” Article
On February 4, 2021, Time published “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.” This report described what the author herself called a “conspiracy,” a “well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.” The article’s author, best known for her flattering biography of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), claimed that the “conspiracy” she described was made up of Left and Right, Democrat and Republican.
To test that claim, CRC staff drafted a memo listing the 24 groups and 23 persons mentioned in the article, along with some additional information. The entries are organized by group and then person, roughly in the order of appearance. Each entry includes, if available:
A link to the group or person’s InfluenceWatch entry, which usually has additional information,
A paraphrase of the Time article’s description of the group or person, and
Bullet points that highlight facts of interest about the group or person.
Liberals only follow the science when it benefits them
Liberals claim to be driven by science. It is increasingly clear, however, that science only matters when it is beneficial to their political interests.
It is essential that school-age children return to the classroom. And it is safe to do so. Yet, liberals have sold out America’s children to the interests of teachers unions.
The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, told reporters last month during a White House briefing on COVID-19 that “there is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated.” She added that “vaccinations of teachers is not a prerequisite for safely reopening schools.”
How Wokeness Captured Big Business
During the 2019 shareholder season, Justin Danhof, general counsel for the National Center for Public Policy Research, tabled a shareholder proposal at Amazon’s annual meeting. “Diversity in board composition is best achieved though highly qualified candidates with a wide range of skills, experience, beliefs, and board independence from management,” it read. Uncontroversial, one might think, but Danhof was booed and heckled throughout his presentation. Afterward, a representative for Arjuna Capital (which “works with high net-worth individuals,” its website says) told Danhof that he was simply trying “to protect white males.” A representative of the Nathan Cummings Foundation (with $424 million of cash and investments, on its most recent balance sheet) made clear that Danhof was unwelcome and should hasten, lest he be late for his next Klan meeting or book burning.
he incident is recounted in Stephen R. Soukup’s The Dictatorship of Woke Capital (Encounter Books). What explains the greening of Wall Street and corporate CEOs becoming woke and dissing the system that made them rich? In part, it is a cheap way of buying protection – especially when shareholders are paying, as is the case with Marc Benioff, multi-billionaire CEO of Salesforce. “Capitalism, as we know it, is dead,” Benioff declared in the New York Times. Described as “one of the modern-day robber barons,” Benioff earned his billions from a series of acquisitions of profitless software companies and constant stock sales. Benioff’s schtick is “a confidence game in the true sense of the term,” says market analyst Ben Hunt.
Wokeness is not a system of morality with universal applicability. “With every breath we take,” Apple CEO Tim Cook declared in the wake of George Floyd’s death, “we must commit to being that change, and to creating a better, more just world for everyone.” Well, not for everyone – not for the tens of thousands of Chinese workers at Apple’s Foxconn iPhone factory at Longhua. In 2010, a spate of suicides led Foxconn to install nets outside many buildings to catch falling bodies.