Would You Buy a Used Healthcare Plan From This Man? Seniors Don’t Trust a Word Obama Says

Jim Martin: “The President continues to lie about his disastrous healthcare reform. As seniors lose their doctors in droves they remain as opposed as ever.”

(Alexandria, Virginia) — Despite the national embarrassment of his Obamacare rollout, and news breaking by the day that Americans are losing their healthcare coverage and seniors are losing their doctors, President Obama made a public appearance Wednesday evening at Faneuil Hall in Boston to repeat his discredited claims that Obamacare is a ‘good deal’ for the American people, while also brushing aside concerns that a government that can’t operate a simple web site is capable of running the nation’s medical industry.

Obama’s serial untruthfulness brought a sharp rebuke from 60 Plus Association Chairman Jim Martin, leader of the nation’s largest conservative seniors organization with over 7.2 million supporters, and the acknowledged alternative to the liberal AARP:

“To state that 90% of seniors like Obamacare is laughable. By every measure taken senior citizens oppose Obamacare by margins of 2 to 1, or as the AARP learned when they sampled their own membership, by 14 to 1.  This President has run out of trust, the tank is empty.  He and every Democrat that voted for this plan and pushed the big Obamacare lie on America need to be held accountable.  And they need to start telling the truth, for once.

“There he goes again, repeating the same phony mantra in support of Obamacare despite the stark reality that America is absolutely frightened by the uncertainty, skyrocketing costs and gross incompetence of his grand design.  This President is officially out to lunch, not only in his belief that Obamacare is good for our nation but most importantly that anyone believes a single word that comes from his mouth.

“Obama scolded his critics years on these very same issues, assuring America that his plan would lower premiums $2,500 per family, and that if we liked our plan and liked our doctor, we could keep them.  We now have an avalanche of actual evidence proving his promises false, and smoking guns proving Obama knew them to be false at the time.  Today Obama makes more false claims, and just like before he knows that he’s lying and his critics are right.”
