Biden vs Trump Debate: Ughh… just wow!
Who is actually running our country?!?
That has to be the question most Americans are asking today. The fact that unelected Biden appointed bureaucrats are setting policy and running our foreign policy is scary…and maybe explains why we have all these wacky policies coming out of the White House.
- Open Borders
- Higher Cost of Living – Inflation
- Out of control crime across America
- Appointing unqualified, far leftist activist judges
- The “Green New Deal” corporate welfare for the Left
- Illegal Immigrants taking jobs, housing, welfare, educational funding etc.
The list goes on and on.
The format was designed to help President Biden and give him a chance to “prove” his cognitive capabilities while stifling any real debate.
Washington DC reporter Chris Cillizza said:
“Look. This debate was a total and complete disaster for Biden. He looked old. His answers trailed off repeatedly. He was hard to understand. He would stop in mid-sentence and move on to something else.
I NEVER thought he would be this bad. Stunning. Truly.”
They failed.
He Lied: Immediately after the debate, the mainstream media freaked out over Biden’s performance. Some of them are calling for him to step aside.
But the attack on President Trump was that he lied… over and over again. And Biden won on the issues.
NOT true… Biden and his mainstream media hacks tried to spin every comment on various incidents from January 6th to the Snopes discredited “there are fine people on both sides” into something President Trump was being dishonest about.
Even when Biden stopped at an Atlanta Waffle House after the debate, he said:
Reporter: Do you have any concerns about your performance?
Biden: No. It’s hard to debate a liar.
But wait… check these Biden’s claims and statements… articles below:
- Courts had determined all claims of election fraud were “baseless” …not true.
- No soldiers were killed under Biden’s watch …not true.
- Inflation was higher under Trump vs Biden …not true.
- Trump wants to get rid of Social Security …not true.
…and the list goes on.
The biggest liars were the White House and the liberal mainstream media’s Pravda style propaganda who covered up Biden’s decline of his cognitive abilities.
Hopefully, America will fix this on election day.
Golf: Just like the debate… Trump should accept Biden’s claim that he would beat him at golf and offer to play a round with him where Biden picks the date, time, and course.
An easy and instructive way to settle the handicap debate!
Why not… it will be another opportunity for America to see Biden’s “capabilities.”
New Press Secretary/Translator: Biden’s team is adding a new member of their press team, a translator – Ozzy Osborn!
Read more below and follow me on Twitter & GETTR – @sanuzis
–Saul Anuzis
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This Week: NRSC to spend big in MI for Mike Rogers senate race, California sets the bar low for voter ID, and Americans can’t afford rent because of inflation!

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Biden makes stunning omission while claiming no troops died ‘anywhere in the world’ on his watch

13 US service members were killed by an ISIS-K suicide bomber during the Bid
President Biden claimed during the CNN Presidential Debate Simulcast Thursday night that he is “the only president this century” and “this decade” that did not have any troops “dying anywhere in the world”—failing to acknowledge the 13 fallen service members who were killed during his administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.
Biden answered a question from CNN debate moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash related to the economy. He went through former President Trump’s tax cuts and the economy under his predecessor’s administration.
Debunking Joe Biden’s Claim That All of Trump’s 2020 Election Challenges Were ‘Baseless’

Joe Biden at the CNN presidential debate claimed that all of Donald Trump’s election challenges were dismissed because they had “no merit.”
This is FALSE.
An Election Integrity review conducted on 92 court challenges filed over the 2020 election found that a clear majority of the cases decided on the merits were ruled favorably for the plaintiffs; particularly, the Republican Party and the Trump campaign.
Here Are The 20 Biggest Whoppers Biden Told During His Debate With Trump

From the border crisis to manufactured hoaxes about his opponent, there was almost no subject Biden didn’t lie about.
President Joe Biden isn’t known for telling the truth. So, it came as no surprise when the Delaware Democrat got up on stage to tell some pretty tall tales during Thursday’s debate with former President Donald Trump.
From the crisis he created at the U.S.-Mexico border to manufactured hoaxes about his opponent, there was almost no subject Biden didn’t lie about. Here are the 20 biggest whoppers he told during Thursday night’s matchup with the Orange Man.
America Is In Shambles Because Of Democrat Policies, Not Just Joe Biden

CNN spent the hour after Thursday’s presidential debate in an emotional tailspin. But at the heart of their desperate “analysis” was speculation about whether the fumbling Biden should step down to let another Democrat jump in to carry the torch of “DEMOCRACY.”
The jig is up. Here’s what disillusioned Democrats and independents and moderates need to know. What all the blue-state refugees who now live in Texas and Florida instead of California and New York City need to admit. What all the fed-up middle-class families and forgotten nonwhite voters in the suburbs need to remember: These aren’t just Joe Biden policies that are disastrous. They’re Democrat policies.
Abortion. Economy. Crime. Immigration. Lawfare. Foreign policy. Health care. It doesn’t matter what pet issue has voters down in the dumps. Democrats are in lockstep on the losing side. And anywhere they aren’t in lockstep — like on whether Israel is a victim of terrorism or a group of oppressive “colonizers” — they tow the radical line.
You think a Democrat switcheroo is magically going to secure the border and end the unmitigated illegal alien crime wave? (And lest you’ve been captive to the corporate media spin, here are a few of many examples of such atrocities.) Not a chance. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Biden’s expanded asylum, repeal of Remain in Mexico, outrage over shipping migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, support for ripping down border razor wire, and playing footsie with Mexican cartels are all fruits of the same poisonous tree: Democrats’ antipathy for the U.S. border. It’s delusional to think the governor of sanctuary-state California, for instance — a possible 2024 replacement — would be a workable substitute for Biden.
Ben Carson says Trump will continue to draw votes from African American community

Former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson on Sunday predicted former President Trump will continue to attract African American voters because he is “not a traditional politician.”
“The reason that a lot of people in the minority community are moving toward Trump is because he’s not a traditional politician who just has his finger in the air saying which way the wind is blowing,” Carson said on NewsNation’s “The Hill Sunday.”
“When he says he’s going to do something, he does it. And you never have to wonder about what he’s thinking, he’s an open book and very clear, and he’s got a record.”
Carson, who served under Trump, touted the former president’s record by pointing to his work with historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and prison reform.
“He walks the walk, and he talks the talk, and it makes a difference, and I think he’s going to continue to draw people, not just in the African American community, but in all communities,” he said.
Biden admin accused of ‘brazen’ attempts to ‘weaponize’ unionization ahead of election

A labor union accountability group led calls to examine HHS’ re-compete of its Medicare call center contract
The Biden administration came under fire recently over the latest allegation its agencies are meddling with American workers and government contractors to appeal to deep-pocketed unions in an election season.
President Biden has long burnished his support for and from unions, telling a crowd at a 2023 Chicago address: “I meant what I said when I said I’m going to be … the most pro-union president in American history. And I make no apologies for it.”
A new group pledging oversight and accountability over public-sector unionization, and the “control” unions have over government officials, told Fox News Digital they found one example particularly egregious:
The new Public Labor Union Accountability Committee, which Fox News Digital exclusively learned named Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson as its senior adviser on Thursday, took aim at the “arming” of public sector unions ahead of the election.
Thompson and PLUAC accused Health & Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra of an “all-out push” to force Medicare call center contractors to unionize in recent months.
Bill for student-loan cancellations comes in — nearly $3,100 per household

“The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has updated its baseline estimates of how much the federal student loan program will cost taxpayers, and the numbers aren’t pretty. The latest official estimates show that taxpayers will spend $393 billion on the federal student loan program between 2024 and 2034, or around $3,100 per household,” advises a new analysis from Preston Cooper, who covers policy issues for Forbes.
“Around $221 billion of that cost comes from expected losses on the $1.1 trillion in student loans that the federal government will issue between 2024 and 2034, according to the CBO’s official accounting procedures. Using more comprehensive fair-value accounting techniques, losses on those loans could reach $278 billion. Another $34 billion will be spent administering the student loan programs,” Mr. Cooper wrote.
“The costs of running the student loan program have exploded in recent years, as past CBO projections show. In 2014, the agency projected that taxpayers would profit to the tune of 11 cents for every dollar of student loans the federal government issued in fiscal year 2024. But the most recent projections figure instead that taxpayers will lose 20 cents on the dollar for loans issued this fiscal year,” he also noted.
Some are not happy with these figures.
“It makes no sense that the average taxpayer, someone who works for a living and pays their fair share, must pick up the tab for deadbeat former students and pay off their student loans. You borrowed it, you owe it, you should have to pay for it,” noted Saul Anuzis, former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party, in a comment shared with Inside the Beltway.
Cannon fodder: The left unfairly smears ‘Trump judge’ in classified docs case

The politicians, the press and pundits are in a feeding frenzy around Judge Aileen Cannon, the federal judge presiding in the Florida case against former President Donald Trump. There is a torrent of hit pieces and petty attacks on virtually every media platform.
What is impressive is the complete lack of self-awareness over the hypocrisy of these attacks. Just a few weeks ago, the New York Times and other media outlets went into vapors when anyone uttered criticism of Manhattan Justice Juan Merchan in another Trump case.
In 2020, Cannon was confirmed in a bipartisan vote, with the support of liberals such as Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).
Now she is being denounced as a “partisan, petty prima donna, “wacko, crazy, loony, nutty, ridiculous, and outlandish,” and a “right-wing hack.” From the descriptions in the Washington Post, New York Times and virtually every mainstream media outlet, you would think Cannon was a freak in the courtroom, raving uncontrollably at any passerby.
These critics often stress that she is an appointee of Trump, even though many Trump appointees have ruled against the former president on 2020 election issues. And these same figures denounced Trump for attacking the perceived political bias of Democratic nominees in some of his cases.
Cannon was randomly selected, as opposed to Merchan, who was hand-picked to try Trump even though he is a political donor to President Biden and has a daughter who is a major Democratic operative.
This 1920s Debate Explains Why So Many Americans Hate the News Media

Brawls over the honesty of online and cable news today owe their origins to World War I and a debate that divides us still
In 1917, President Woodrow Wilson was having trouble ginning up support for the U.S. entry into the Great War. He found it nearly impossible to reach Americans with his message, distracted as they were by the deluge of information coming from movies, radio, telegrams and newspapers.
To cut through his era’s information overload, Wilson authorized roughly 75,000 American volunteers to deliver passionate, four-minute speeches about the U.S. war effort. They were called the Four Minute Men. The moniker came from the length of time it took to change film reels in early movie theaters, where these speeches were delivered. They were the TikToks of their era, delivered live during those brief four minutes between reel changes.
The campaign was effective but controversial. It sparked a heated debate during the Jazz Age about media manipulation, and whether it was ethical to use tricks borrowed from advertising and popular culture to persuade the public. The United States at that time faced a communications crisis very much like our own today. Americans were suffering from conspiracy thinking, information overload, short attention spans—and, with the spread of the 1918 flu, a pandemic that nobody wanted to talk about.
It’s no wonder that the anxieties from that period have returned, reigniting century-old culture wars over “fake news” and “media elites.”
Why We’re Adding Far Fewer Jobs Than the White House Claims
Recent job growth has been 80% less than previously estimated.
The monthly mortgage payment on a median price home in May was 119.5% higher than it was in January 2021.
The massive discrepancies occurring between official data and people’s opinion of the economy are not due to Americans’ having “wrong” feelings.
Most Americans are so dissatisfied with the economy that they believe the nation is already in recession. Yet the Biden administration often cites robust job growth as proof that the economy is in great shape.
New data from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia throws cold water on that claim, however. It shows recent job growth has been 80% less than previously estimated.
Each month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) produces an estimate for the number of payrolls that businesses added, or subtracted, on net balance. According to those reports, annualized job growth in the last quarter of 2023 was a healthy 1.6%. But that’s likely way off.
The Philadelphia Fed takes this data from BLS and compares it to a much more comprehensive estimate of the labor market each quarter. That allows for better estimates of job growth than can be gleaned from the monthly BLS reports.
Nearly half of American EV owners want to switch back to gas-powered vehicle, McKinsey data shows

Major share of US EV owners have buyer’s remorse
A significant share of Americans who own an electric vehicle have buyer’s remorse, according to new data.
McKinsey & Co.’s Mobility Consumer Pulse for 2024, released this month, found that 46% of EV owners in the U.S. said they were “very” likely to switch back to owning a gas-powered vehicle in their next purchase.
The high percentage of Americans who want to make a switch even surprised the consulting firm.
“I didn’t expect that,” the head of McKinsey’s Center for Future Mobility, Philipp Kampshoff, told Automotive News. “I thought, ‘Once an EV buyer, always an EV buyer.'”
In the poll of nearly 37,000 consumers worldwide, Australia was the only country with a greater percentage, 49%, of EV owners than the U.S. who said they were ready to return to owning an internal combustion engine.
The other countries included in the survey were Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Norway. Across all countries surveyed, the average share of respondents who want to ditch their EVs was 29%.
Are You a DIY Retirement Planner? Four Things You Need to Know

While saving is a huge part of retirement planning, tax efficiency and estate planning can be just as important, especially once you actually retire.
I was working with a couple who had a great retirement awaiting them. They had done a great job saving throughout their working years and had amassed a retirement nest egg of $2 million. They surely had enough to retire comfortably. The question wasn’t whether they would have enough money; instead, it was whether they were maximizing their hard-earned life savings.
They had done well on their investments, but the rest of their plan had no focus, and they were missing important details. These weren’t mistakes that would cause failure, but they were mistakes that could cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of their retirement. They needed to understand that when you have saved millions of dollars and enter into retirement, your focus shifts.
A cookie-cutter plan concerned only with saving and growing investments is no longer useful. You now have to consider more sophisticated planning based on taxation and estate plans. For example, people with significant savings often need to know: